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Spiked's Gaming Marathon Weekend

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Looking to do a bit of a gaming marathon get a group of people together and play a crap ton of games together.


I'm looking to start playing around Noon Saturday Eastern and hope to keep playing until at least Midnight, but if we keep going we keep going.


Games I'm looking to play (color is how many people can play):

Agar.io Unknown - When did they monetize it?

Cards Against Humanity 20, but 10 makes the game go faster.

TF2 Depends on game mode, I'm always up for MvM which would be 6, but we can fill up any server.

Killing Floor 2 6

L4D2 8 for vs.

Rocket League 8, custom 4 v 4

Elite Dangerous Unlimited, but I don't think many of you own it.

Star Trek Online 4 in a group, I think, I know not a lot of you have played this but we can get you guys started with it.

League of Legends 10 for in-house 5 v 5. I'm pretty happy doing ARAM's too.

Dota 2 (I've played like 3 games of it so be aware) 10

Magicka (I may get Magicka 2 if we have enough interest) 4

Random Pogo.com games Depends on the game, but 4 is pretty standard. If we have a lot of people we can do some sort of tournament.

JackBox Games 3-100, Most games are 3-6, but theres one where you can have 100 people playing at once. Again you don't have to own this, I own it and we set up using browsers.

Minecraft I have a 10 slot server, I am looking to do a bunch of fun things within this server and I have a more overall plan for this that I'll get into tomorrow probably.

Keep Talking Nobody Explodes I'd say 4 per game. I know a few of us own the game so we can get multiple games going.


If you want to participate just let me know and what game(s) you'd be down for. I'll try to build a schedule for those who won't have the time I got and schedule gaming sessions. I plan to stream as best I can through out the day, there are chances it will go down and I'll need to restart it but if others want to stream as well, you are more than welcome.


I have no real big plan or expectation out of this, just looking for some fun this weekend and if I can include a bunch of you guys then that's what we'll do.


Check my game listing on my Steam Page I got near 700 games, most are single player but if I haven't listed something you'd like to play together we'll get it done. If you have any ideas you'd want to incorporate in this just post it up and we'll take a look.


Lets have some fun this weekend!

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Edited by SpikedRocker
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I work in the morning and have an event I have to help with afterwards. I'll prob be hopping in around midnight EST or an hour before, give or take. I'll be down for Cards Against Humanity,TF2, L4D2, Rocket League and pogo games.


Might I also suggest online board game, or boardgame online whatever it's called. That game is a lot of fun.


Also, there's a good chance Son Drunku makes an appearance alongside his drunken brother :3

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