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Everybody Meeting

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Do you have meetig here my old clan we have meetings in Mumble and we share ideas and give to our clan


If you do when is it so I can join and be part of this community

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I'd say we usually have community meetings in Teamspeak every 2-3 months on average, but it depends on the sort of things the higher ups need to go over with the rest of the community at the time, and how much the members want to go over with the higher ups. Usually these meetings consist of AO's and BD's telling everyone about different things we're doing, addressing questions and concerns the players might have, and opening up the floor to the players and admins for a Q&A session of sorts. And at the end we unmute the channel so everyone can scream :d


Like Metal said though, we usually keep everyone posted on changes in the announcements section at the top of the forum, just below the shoutbox. This way we don't need to work around our daily schedules too often to organize meetings, as well as so the meetings don't end up lasting only 10 minutes each time. Usually community meetings last between 1 and 2 hours if memory serves me correctly, and that's a decent amount of time. Long enough to give members a reason to attend, but not too long to the point where they'd rather watch paint dry.


We haven't really discussed having a community meeting recently, as most (if not all) of the recent changes have been announced on the forum, and it's easier for us to make a thread for some things than it is to ask everyone to drop everything they've got going on to attend a meeting about it that may or may not be worth their time (depending on everyone's own particular interests). If and when we do decide to have a community-wide meeting, we will post in the Events section (right below Announcements on the main forum page) and give everyone roughly a 7-10 day heads up so they can adjust their schedules if needed.


As of right now, we don't have a community-wide meeting planned yet, but if that changes we will post it there to let everybody know.


In the meantime, if you have any ideas you'd like to go over, feel free to post a quick topic about your thought in this Suggestions Box section (say that fast 10 times, lol) which will allow everyone to gather their thoughts about it.


Hope this answers your question @Hypno

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  Revenga said:

In the meantime, if you have any ideas you'd like to go over, feel free to post a quick topic about your thought in this Suggestions Box section (say that fast 10 times, lol) which will allow everyone to gather their thoughts about it.



I have a question in regards to the meetings on behalf of myself, @WickedZealot and anyone else interested.


Will there be more wine glass?

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