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We need proof, its simple as that.


If we do not see it, we cannot do jack.

If everyone said X person freekilled and we banned them, looked at logs and they didn't, we would like like total asses.

Understand, we are not babysitters, I get called into TTT/PB all the time for RDM/Freekills.

Once I join I have to watch, if they do it again, thats when i take action.

It's up to the players to report the players with proof.


I agree with @Metal, its up to the players to report the players when there aren't admins on. Whenever you join just start a recording and if there is a rule breaker, just edit the file to show only him.

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I guess this is just one of those things that sucks because I know how you feel and I know a bunch of others in the community do as well. If you don't provide enough proof etc. or none at all, your chances are slim of getting someone punished for breaking the rules. Although, it is true that if higher ups don't have any evidence they can't ban someone, even if the accusation was true, there is no solid proof to justify banning them. In my case, a bit ago I wasn't sure how to record a demo but a day later a couple of those people were banned because they repeated their actions.



I'm just going to give you the benefit of the doubt that when you see someone break rules, they will get caught by someone else and punished.



there will always be people who do not get caught and of course it isn't fair but it happens

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All I gotta say is it's not the admins fault they have one and one only thing to do is keep severs fun they can't keep on coming on and on every minute I'm not hating on you I kind of agree with you but also disagree admins have a tough job they can only do some stuff not all.

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All I see is you trashing on admins for not trusting someone's word over having to see it themselves, in my opinion, that's not worth reading. Notify an admin, tell him to go undercover, there you go. If you want to talk about how inactive the admins are or you having more bans than half of them, then I'm going to feel like I shouldn't acknowledge your post.


I spend the majority of my time on the servers, even with the schedule my life has at the moment. This isn't source, stop using that as your go to, things have changed, rules have changed, people have changed, so adjust to the change like most people have. Reguardless if that said person stops breaking the rules or leaves when an admin gets on, doesn't that stop the rule breaking for the time?


If you're looking for a rule breaking free server, there are none. JB is one of the most active servers, with admins on most of the time to survey over it. Be glad we keep it under control most of the time, and stop complaining about the little time in which admins aren't on. Not all of us devote our lives to this.

It's not my "go-to", nor am I so incompetent to not understand that change is a thing. I am expressing my opinions, which I have a right to do, and instead you decided to be a smart ass and shit post without actually reading what I had to say. If you disagree with my opinions, say so to begin with in a professional manner instead of trolling, thanks.


While your rebuttal post was dickish in the least, I appreciate your input.

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Before I get horse dung shoved down my throat for saying that, please allow me to explain.

Too late I guess.





Not here to post my take on the situation since people like Rawrrrerererrrriireee, Metal, and Goku had already posted what I feel on the given issue.


Back on source if you called an admin in and filled them in on what happened, they'd usually ask a couple other players and ban the rule breaker on the spot.

I just wanted to say: I have not once seen this happen in PB since I started playing back in 2012.


The closest thing that happened was an admin would join, ask what happened, and then kick the person (skipping the slay) when he broke the rules again.

Edited by shoiep
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I guess this is just one of those things that sucks because I know how you feel and I know a bunch of others in the community do as well. If you don't provide enough proof etc. or none at all, your chances are slim of getting someone punished for breaking the rules. Although, it is true that if higher ups don't have any evidence they can't ban someone, even if the accusation was true, there is no solid proof to justify banning them. In my case, a bit ago I wasn't sure how to record a demo but a day later a couple of those people were banned because they repeated their actions.



I'm just going to give you the benefit of the doubt that when you see someone break rules, they will get caught by someone else and punished.



there will always be people who do not get caught and of course it isn't fair but it happens

Higher ups can see console logs. While they are not fool-proof, they do provide enough evidence for most situations.

All I gotta say is it's not the admins fault they have one and one only thing to do is keep severs fun they can't keep on coming on and on every minute I'm not hating on you I kind of agree with you but also disagree admins have a tough job they can only do some stuff not all.

Oh I absolutely agree. Steamgamers is a large community, admins have a lot on their plate. But we put admins through applications and pretty much require them to be recommended by other admins to prove they are capable of enforcing the rules, do we not? All I'm saying is admins don't seem to be given a lot of trust in their admining decisions unless they have concrete evidence, so what's the point?

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I can see how it's the administrator's duty to keep the peace instead of the players ('cause duh, "admin powers").


But we'd be taking a risk if we take the word of the public when we ban people, whether it was blatant or not. If some admins on the PB server know, there's been a guy named Kiwi God who has been called out for freekilling and freeshooting. Though this guy's been taking shit left and right 'cause of this, he's not what he sounds like. My past and current experiences with him lead me to believe he's just misunderstood. He's really just a guy who's looking for a place to chill. If I banned him with the public's word, would I be doing good or worse? It's not really that simple to just look around, ask some questions and ban/kick the guy who's being convicted for an offense. We're actually taking a risk, that risk being the gain or loss of reputation towards the admins and the S-G community and the trust of those who depend on us.


Now if he was doing some offensive actions under the table, then of course, someone could simply type "record " into the console and catch him in the act or they could call on an admin who would be stuck doing the strict procedure we must follow, which is Warning/Slay > Kick > Ban. I honestly think the recording of an offender would get that guy banned ASAP once the player complaint is uploaded.


All in all, it's the player' / regular's duty to help us stop these rule-breakers (and yes, I know, they shouldn't have to, but still), and it's the SA' / CA' / AO' / and BD's duty to supervise the server, whether you're just having fun with fellow players or babysitting the server.


Some of my points may have been already discussed, so mind you when reading.

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I can't count the amount of times when people just gang up on one guy just because they want to take his spot on the CT team. There are people who don't know what's a freekill and what's not. I'm not going to punish someone without seeing it for myself because I don't want to risk it. And just to tell you, if you call in an admin for mass freekilling, it's not like we could see the logs before we join lol. And, I'm pretty sure some admins are smart enough to change their name/pictures but the most we could do is slay/kick for the first offense. We're just simply following protocol.

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