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Give Admins Actual Authority

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This remind me when i first join PB and i had no admin in my friend list. I dragged onion to pb when he had SA and i had to post player complain when there was too man rule breaker.


Admin is not a job, it's a volunteering task. If players just want admin to ban those rule breaker and they want to have fun without giving effort, what is the point then. I am not going to be like some community's admin ban one guy because he "freekilled" many people that didn't obey the rules. I got called freekilled so many times when i kill them for being on catwalk, in vent or wandering other area, does that means i have to ban myself because they say that?

Through logical thinking.


Admins have to prove they are fit for admin don't they? Simple things like that should be no problem for someone with a miniscule amount of investigative skills.


Well, we ain't professional investigator. When they said kiwi massfreekill yesterday.I pay extra attention to him even undercover twice to see if he freekill. but had to use admin power because team stacking plus freekill from other people. We are trying to have fun while dealing with these people. I didn't want to use 1-2 hours of my time trying to sniff out what kiwi had done, even though i did while dealing with other shit.


if you don't want to type in console record every time you play, i suggest you to download playtv. it's a software that record when you playing a games, you can use that in case freekiller appear (of course with steamid prove)


(rip my grammar and not sure if i was talking bullshit :paranoid:)

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This remind me when i first join PB and i had no admin in my friend list. I dragged onion to pb when he had SA and i had to post player complain when there was too man rule breaker.


Admin is not a job, it's a volunteering task. If players just want admin to ban those rule breaker and they want to have fun without giving effort, what is the point then. I am not going to be like some community's admin ban one guy because he "freekilled" many people that didn't obey the rules. I got called freekilled so many times when i kill them for being on catwalk, in vent or wandering other area, does that means i have to ban myself because they say that?



Well, we ain't professional investigator. When they said kiwi massfreekill yesterday.I pay extra attention to him even undercover twice to see if he freekill. but had to use admin power because team stacking plus freekill from other people. We are trying to have fun while dealing with these people. I didn't want to use 1-2 hours of my time trying to sniff out what kiwi had done, even though i did while dealing with other shit.


if you don't want to type in console record every time you play, i suggest you to download playtv. it's a software that record when you playing a games, you can use that in case freekiller appear (of course with steamid prove)


(rip my grammar and not sure if i was talking bullshit :paranoid:)


http://plays.tv/download here is the link to it, it was a bitch to find

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With all due respect to the guy or girl who created this post, but do you know how easy it is to convince people to gang up on someone or pin the blame on someone other than yourselves? Do you really think the average kid playing games wants to own up to his mistake instead of yelling "FREEKILL" and crying about it in dead chat?


Literally just today, I had a bunch of Ts and CTs team up on a guy who they claimed to have 'freekilled'; the order was to be in the goals in soccer, but none of the Ts obeyed, simply because they were either too busy screaming on the mic or being AFK. So when this said CT and other CTs went to warning shot them, a bunch ended up dying cuz instead of following the fucking order or ask what it was, the kids decided to start yelling "FREESHOOTING" and all that bullcrap and blatantly disobey.


The Ts who were killed (with some other CTs who did the warning shots) eventually started trying to crucify the poor CT over every single round later and essentially make sure he had a shit time for the rest of the map. We had shit going on like "type 1. to vote for him being banned" and all this bullcrap, and yet I have a demo clearly showing he wasn't breaking the rules. We literally had people WHO WEREN'T EVEN LOOKING OR WERE AFK start calling him a freekiller, so I ask you this, what ever made you think that just cuz a group of people said something, it has to be taken as gospel?


This isn't some judge-jury-executioner-all-in-one, this is a fucking community that we aim to keep by enforcing rules when they are broken, but not because some randoms, or even longtime members, said to. Just like the cops can't act without evidence and the courts can't prosecute without it either, don't expect the admins to act on hearsay. /rant


TL;DR People don't like to admit they're wrong and would rather blame someone else instead of themselves; also, its insanely easy to convince a group of ppl to gang-up or believe something is right/wrong when it really isn't (I mean, just look at history and literally every possible social interaction, ever).


Personally, I get how you feel, especially with all the cancer on PB, but we're here to have a good time. If you let them get to you then you're merely allowing them to get the reactions they want to keep going.

Edited by MyHobos
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Without your post, my issue would have never been solved...


On a serious note, please read the post before being an ass.

Have you met this guy before? Its his thing, most of us ignores him.


On a serious note, the admin set up here has been this way since the inception of PB.


The theory here is why it will never change:

I can't count the amount of times when people just gang up on one guy just because they want to take his spot on the CT team. There are people who don't know what's a freekill and what's not. I'm not going to punish someone without seeing it for myself because I don't want to risk it. And just to tell you, if you call in an admin for mass freekilling, it's not like we could see the logs before we join lol. And, I'm pretty sure some admins are smart enough to change their name/pictures but the most we could do is slay/kick for the first offense. We're just simply following protocol.


We've gone through so many thought processes on how to admin PB and its just a sesspool for rule breakers because the gamemode, like TTT, is inherent to everyone agreeing to rules not set by the game itself. With each time CS:GO goes on sale until they come out with a new game we will see these spurts of rule breakers come into the servers.


Like you said its easy to pick out admins when they join the server, my suggestion and like others has said, go in undercover. That negates that issue. However, it isn't foolproof. The only way to guarantee people get punished is by player complaints when there is no admin.

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You're right about one thing. It is our responsibility as administrators to "Keep servers clean from rule breakers" and "Help in any way to make the servers fun" (that's why some/most of us applied for admin and should know what they're getting into). However, when it comes to dealing with rule breakers in certain situations, we have to be mindful of the reason for banning said person and the evidence at hand for said ban. We can't simply just warn/kick/ban a person just because a bunch of people are pointing fingers at said person regardless if they did it or not without some form of concrete evidence at hand. For example, a bunch of people could be accusing a person for aimbot when in reality he isn't and then he gets banned based on player accusations. Also, bans are usually a last resort measure when warnings and kicks don't get the message across to the rule breaker.


In terms of player complaints and the players themselves, what I've been trying to do is encourage (though not required by them) to record the rule breakers when it's obvious that they are breaking rules and then calling for an admin into the server. That way, even if the rule breaker(s) gets kicked or leaves the server, the player can make a player complaint with the evidence so that the rule breaker(s) can be dealt with.


Remember, we are a COMMUNITY, and while it's our responsibility as administrators to keep the servers clean and enjoyable, everyone has to do their part to help each other out when situations like this arise.

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I think we should be asking ourselves: how do we get admins to play JB more often and cover longer periods of time? Ideally we don't want to ban anyone, we just need to have a SA on the server to discourage rule breaking in the first place.



Can we increase the ammount of credits/raffle points per minute for SA, just for jailbreak?

Edited by SilentGuns
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I think we should be asking ourselves: how do we get admins to play JB more often and cover longer periods of time? Ideally we don't want to ban anyone, we just need to have a SA on the server to discourage rule breaking in the first place.



Can we increase the ammount of credits/raffle points per minute for SA, just for jailbreak?


Wouldn't that make people think that we're only on the servers for the raffle? There are plenty of admins who play on JB, yet alone sitting there for hours (ahem @SL4DE) Not to mention that we already have 4x for the raffle points.

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