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o i forgot i tink is the samething big or small it still pays the same well i tink so


Just so you know you can edit your posts rather than posting two if you forget something. As much as I love the idea of this, it seems pretty out of reach.

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The problem with sponsoring people or paying a person to advertise our servers is the fact that part of community will strictly follow that person wherever they go. Granted some may stay, but the majority will move on after said person stops sponsoring our servers etc. I've seen this happen to multiple other communities I was a part of, and because of that most of their player base stopped playing and ended up having to shut down the community. It would be nice to self promote to your friends, decide to maybe even try going out there ourselves and do our best to bring in a larger player base. (Streaming, YouTube, etc)

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id like to volunteer as a successful youtuber. i have 4 subs and 2 videos. 37 total views and 2 likes. no one has commented yet but thats ok the videos are only like 4 years old. i will sponsor SG in return i want board of directors rank and a small loan of a million dollars.

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it will be cool to sponsor a youtuber or a streamer cuz thats the only way to get alot of people to grow sg


We tried both routes.


We tried sponsoring a E-sports Team years ago, Top10 site, Um there was one more I cant remember.

As for youtube, It would only make sense to make an offical SG Youtube (Again), However It would be more work than what it is worth.

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Sponsoring a personality is not really a route we want to take. While most people don't think of it, whenever something bad happens with a streamer/youtuber that hate also goes to their sponsors as well. Since it's unpredictable that X person will always be an upstanding, wonderful, nice person, it's risky to sponsor a person.


We would rather look for someone to sponsor us rather than the other way around.

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