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Couples for each server

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Quick suggestion;


Depending on the servers, I think having a couple system based on time and not kills.

This would make sense in all the servers, it would make you want to invite your partner to play in X server.


In Casual, you can get points solo while playing with other people.

If it was based on time, it would track the time you play with your partner while in the server.


Because on concern I would have with making it track kills is people camping on PB, stacking CT, Picking easy kill games on mg etc.

So I think this would be a better way of maybe seeding servers or getting people to play with their friends more often in the same server.


@Nuclear Onion



Since you two run TTT, What do you think?

I know we have no ranking system in TTT as everything is 69 but what would you think about doing it this way?

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