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Finally, my fanfics will come true! @Metal @Goku @SL4DE @LiableStone



i feel like it would mess up the flow :sad:


How so? We discussed adding it to PB back in August and it was rejected to "save death run". The plugin is very community based IMO and given PBs nature of having small cliques, I still think it would work.


While I still disagree with metal's point of claiming it would encourage camping on PB, I do like and agree with his idea of having it be time based. And for what it's worth, I still think the plugin would be a smash with the PB player base.

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How so? We discussed adding it to PB back in August and it was rejected to "save death run". The plugin is very community based IMO and given PBs nature of having small cliques, I still think it would work.


While I still disagree with metal's point of claiming it would encourage camping on PB, I do like and agree with his idea of having it be time based. And for what it's worth, I still think the plugin would be a smash with the PB player base.


I honestly forgot my reason LOL

I don't know about time-based though.. I don't see a huge spark from that.

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Who needs couples when you can just rack up points on PB.


I doubt the plugin would even work on TTT since the way it handles deaths, plus I'm already working on something that will hopefully add more incentives to playing.


Make it so couples that are on together get double store credits or something. Win win

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I honestly forgot my reason LOL

I don't know about time-based though.. I don't see a huge spark from that.


Well the point system can be abused unless we make it so both players must be on the server at the same time.

By abused, on Casual, you get points for any kill, does not matter if your partner is in the server.


So I would say have it kill based, but only track it if both players are on the server.

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Based on light of recent actions on JB, there's been a fluctuation of people who are solely playing CT for kills. I won't call names or anything, but they literally give any excuse to get kills just to reach a higher rank in the leader boards. I won't name their motive, it should be obvious, a stupid reason for a stupid motive. I used to want this on JB, but now it's a kill fest where CT's aren't giving orders and mainly go for frags. Just earlier yesterday, there were 8 CT's, I gave orders, died, went to spectate my team to find out there were 6 in armory and 1 in a secret. I wouldn't mind it on MG, that place is mostly composed of kill games anyways.



ADD IT ON 1V1? @Prez :love:

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