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Based on light of recent actions on JB, there's been a fluctuation of people who are solely playing CT for kills. I won't call names or anything, but they literally give any excuse to get kills just to reach a higher rank in the leader boards. I won't name their motive, it should be obvious, a stupid reason for a stupid motive. I used to want this on JB, but now it's a kill fest where CT's aren't giving orders and mainly go for frags. Just earlier yesterday, there were 8 CT's, I gave orders, died, went to spectate my team to find out there were 6 in armory and 1 in a secret. I wouldn't mind it on MG, that place is mostly composed of kill games anyways.



ADD IT ON 1V1? @Prez :love:


Kiddies want Elite 10.

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Based on light of recent actions on JB, there's been a fluctuation of people who are solely playing CT for kills. I won't call names or anything, but they literally give any excuse to get kills just to reach a higher rank in the leader boards. I won't name their motive, it should be obvious, a stupid reason for a stupid motive. I used to want this on JB, but now it's a kill fest where CT's aren't giving orders and mainly go for frags. Just earlier yesterday, there were 8 CT's, I gave orders, died, went to spectate my team to find out there were 6 in armory and 1 in a secret. I wouldn't mind it on MG, that place is mostly composed of kill games anyways.



ADD IT ON 1V1? :love:



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@Rawrie you imply that CTs camping and not helping their team is a new issue. That was a problem back in the summer when we initially discussed it. I won't argue that there probably is some more people doing it for elite 10, but try hard CTs camping and caring too much about K/D is hardly a new issue.


And on the flip side of things, you could also argue that if it is kill based, you might see more people rebelling or taking a legitimate LR instead of delaying or taking a free day next round.


And to touch back down on the camping issue, all it took back in the summer was admins cracking down harder on it. Whenever I am on (which I'll admit isn't as much as it was few months ago) I always tell CTs to be helping their team.

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Most servers I wouldn't mind if it's a yes or a no. I would love it on 1v1 especially, however honestly I don't want it on JB. Maybe my point is invalid as for why I don't want it on JB, I can't pinpoint why honestly. I just have a unconscious feeling that I really, really don't want it on JB, so I'm going with my gut there.

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I'm forever alone so I don't really care about this but time based makes sense because everyone is on different skill levels and it stops people from abusing the system. Just make it so you can't get it in spectate like store credits.

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