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I don't think using "Autos" are that big of an issue. Although it is referred to as a noob gun, the server is noob friendly. Plus it's casual, most people don't give a shit about there scorer how they play. I understand the fact that you dislike getting mauled by autos down mid. But in all reality it is just casual, but if someone uses a auto in comp that gets to me.

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I remember when CS:S was big, the eGo servers banned autosnipers. Not sure if it was to keep the skill factor or it was because they disliked autos.


Honestly, I say keep it. It's part of the game, just as much as a Negev or an AWP. The server is also Noob-Friendly, as @ItzMiLK said, so it doesn't hurt too much if we keep it.

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Oh no, Using a gun which is in the game.

Come on; It's just an auto, There is a reason its such a high priced gun.

The gun actually does take skill, you cannot spam fire it, you must time the shots so the spread and recoil dont go over the place.


While we are at it, lets get rid of the ak, one taping someone is unfair for new players /Sarcasm

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  • Content Count:  1421
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Can we just get rid of all the guns and turn it into a knife and grenade fight?


Leon, we have a server called gun game, and one of the levels has that! Enjoy.

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