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Pistol round armor

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In the 1v1 server I was on with about a full server, 20/24 people. I told everyone about the different rounds they can enable with !guns, and people immediately had complaints about the pistol rounds. People were complaining that they got loads of aim punch because there isn't any armor. Is this a glitch or is this done on purpose? If it can be fixed/added I think that would be better.

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Pretty sure on purpose because most pistols you can't one tap with armor. Without armor at least there's a possibility for all the pistols to 1 tap or even dink on hit. I don't find it to be a big deal, never seen complaints over it whenever I play so I'm surprised lol

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  Black Rain said:
Pretty sure on purpose because most pistols you can't one tap with armor. Without armor at least there's a possibility for all the pistols to 1 tap or even dink on hit. I don't find it to be a big deal, never seen complaints over it whenever I play so I'm surprised lol


All you need is body armor to not get aim punched. If we were to add head armor yes you're probably right most pistols would dink on impact. I don't want that though, I want my aim punch to be gone.

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  Dominic said:
All you need is body armor to not get aim punched. If we were to add head armor yes you're probably right most pistols would dink on impact. I don't want that though, I want my aim punch to be gone.


I know that but I don't see why people are complaining if most players go for headshots instead of body shots lol. I don't even experience any of the aim punch issues and I've gotten tagged in the body multiple times. Maybe I'm used to it or just fail to notice. I'm sure it was purposely done this way by the original developer of the plug-in but it can be tweaked if it's such a big deal to people.

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  Dominic said:
In the 1v1 server I was on with about a full server, 20/24 people. I told everyone about the different rounds they can enable with !guns, and people immediately had complaints about the pistol rounds. People were complaining that they got loads of aim punch because there isn't any armor. Is this a glitch or is this done on purpose? If it can be fixed/added I think that would be better.


I'm pretty sure how the plugin works is that if you have a pistol wherein you couldn't buy body armor on a pistol round i.e. a tec-9, five-seven, p250, deagle, etc. you won't spawn with it. However if you have a glock, usp-s, or p2000 you will spawn with body armour.


Basically, if, on a regular competitive pistol round, you can buy armour with the pistol you will spawn with it on pistol rounds in the 1v1 server.


Might be wrong about this though

Edited by support my admin app
i can't math :<
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The 1v1 plugin, by default, is configured where pistol rounds have no body armor and head armor. I would assume that splewis (plugin author) made that decision to mimic competitive pistol rounds where there's no head armor and mostly no body armor. I looked at the cvars for the plugin and couldn't find an option to add body armor to pistol rounds.


The only way I know how to add it in is if I added another pistol round with armor (head, body, or both) as a custom round type. If enough people want to see that as another custom round addition to the server, I might add it in.


EDIT: Can only use 1 pistol type for the custom round though, so maybe not :(

Edited by Wawa
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  Paradox said:
I'm pretty sure how the plugin works is that if you have a pistol that's usually > $750 i.e. a tec-9, five-seven, p250, deagle, etc. you won't spawn with it. However if you have a glock, usp-s, or p2000 you will spawn with body armour.


Your idea here is almost right with the concept. Out of all the pistols that you mentioned only one of them is > $750 and that would be the deagle at $800.


Just for my input on this, it's completely fine. In fact it's exactly how it should be. I'm pretty sure there's armour for the glock/Usp-S/P2k right? If I'm right on exactly how it works then this is exactly how it should be. Although yes, you SHOULD try to have fun, the whole point of an aim server is to get better. The pistol rounds put you in a situation where (without the grenades, as it's an AIM map) you can get any pistol that you'd be able to in a pistol round and face an opponent that is under the same restrictions.


If we change this so there's always armour on pistol rounds (even if it's only body armour) we're simply harming the gamemode for those that come on more for the competitive improvement element.


This is just an explanation that will only be necessary to some about the reasoning for aimpunch being there:


I just thought I'd add this as a side note. As @Black Rain said players should be going for headshots. I understand that some newer and lower leveled players wont be but they should feel more inclined to when they start getting one tapped. The lack of body armour will genuinely help the players. You shouldn't be out peaking long enough and should be quick peaking and being agile. For you to be in the open long enough to feel the effect of aim punch simply means that the player should get a nudge in the right direction to improve their positioning. We have to always remember this is an aim map, so the main focus of a server like this is for improvements.(but fun should be had at the same time)


If a player is indeed quick peaking and feeling the influence of aim punch regardless of the above, this simply means that the opponent has reacted faster than them meaning they could body shot faster that the player could pull of their shot. This is by no means a server fault, by no means anything needing to be fixed. This is simply the player getting beaten correctly. We will always have players that will complain regardless and on an aim map (believe me I get it there a lot) players will complain about anything they can to shift the blame from themselves. No armour really should be the case on an aim map.

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