Bread Posted April 4, 2016 Content Count: 3998 Joined: 02/22/09 Status: Offline Share Posted April 4, 2016 (edited) Player Commands: sm_usp - spawns a usp silencer sm_avg - prints in chat the average time of the current map sm_hidechat - hides your ingame chat sm_hideweapon - hides your weapon model sm_disarm - hides your weapon model sm_goto - teleports you to a selected player sm_sound - on/off quake sounds sm_bhop - on/off autobhop sm_help2 - Explanation of the ckSurf ranking system sm_flashlight - on/off flashlight sm_maptop - displays local map top for a given map sm_wr - prints records in chat sm_spec - chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators sm_watch - chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators sm_spectate - chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators sm_helpmenu - help menu which displays all ckSurf commands sm_help - help menu which displays all ckSurf commands sm_profile - opens a player profile sm_rank - opens a player profile sm_options - opens options menu sm_top - displays top rankings (Top 100 Players, Top 50 overall) sm_topSurfers - displays top rankings (Top 100 Players, Top 50 overall) sm_bonustop - displays top rankings of the bonus sm_btop - displays top rankings of the bonus sm_stop - stops your timer sm_ranks - prints in chat the available player ranks sm_pause - on/off pause (timer on hold and movement frozen) sm_latest - shows latest map records sm_togglecheckpoints - on/off - Enable player checkpoints +noclip - Player noclip on -noclip - Player noclip off sm_nc - Player noclip on/off // Teleportation commands sm_stages - Opens up the stage selector sm_r - Teleports player back to the start sm_restart - Teleports player back to the start sm_start - Teleports player back to the start sm_b - Teleports player back to the start sm_bonus - Teleports player back to the start sm_bonuses - Displays a list of bonuses in current map sm_s - Teleports player to the selected stage sm_stage - Teleports player to the selected stage sm_end - Teleports player to the end zone // Titles sm_title - Displays player's titles sm_titles - Displays player's titles // VIP sm_vip - VIP's commands and effects. sm_effects - VIP's commands and effects. sm_effect - VIP's commands and effects. // MISC sm_tier - Prints information on the current map sm_maptier - Prints information on the current map sm_mapinfo - Prints information on the current map sm_mi - Prints information on the current map sm_m - Prints information on the current map sm_difficulty - Prints information on the current map sm_howto - Displays a youtube video on how to surf sm_ve - Vote to extend the map // Teleport to the start of the stage sm_stuck - Teleports player back to the start of the stage sm_back - Teleports player back to the start of the stage sm_rs - Teleports player back to the start of the stage sm_play - Teleports player back to the start sm_spawn - Teleports player back to the start // Player Checkpoints sm_teleport - Teleports player to his last checkpoint sm_tele - Teleports player to his last checkpoint sm_prac - Teleports player to his last checkpoint sm_practice - Teleports player to his last checkpoint sm_cp - Creates a checkpoint, where the player can teleport back to sm_checkpoint - Creates a eckpoint, where the player can teleport back to sm_undo - Undoes the players lchast checkpoint. sm_normal - Switches player back to normal mode. sm_n - Switches player back to normal mode. Chatranks: These are based off of total points. Here's the full list: [unranked] 0 points [Rookie] 1-299 points [beginner] 300-999 points [Casual] 1000-1499 points [Exceptional] Rank 351-500 [skilled] Rank 201-350 [Adept] Rank 101-200 [Expert] Rank 51-100 [Ace] Rank 26-50 [Professional] Rank 11-25 [Master] Rank 4-10 [Legendary] Rank 3 [Godlike] Rank 2 [sURF GOD] Rank 1 If you are higher ranked than between 40-50% of players then you will receive the Regular tag, if your are ranked higher than between 90-95% of players you will receive the Professinal tag and so on. And yes, each tag comes with it's own color. Maps: Map list: surf_aircontrol_ksf surf_akai_final surf_and_destroy surf_aweles surf_beginner surf_beginner_ug surf_borderlands surf_calycate2 surf_derpis_ksf surf_forbidden_ways_ksf surf_forgotten surf_funhouse_njv surf_kitsune surf_lament_n2p surf_leet_xl_beta7z_ surf_legends_lite surf_legends_lite_gfl surf_lullaby_ksf surf_lux surf_mesa surf_minuet_v1p surf_mom surf_ninja_go_b5 surf_ninja_r4 surf_pox surf_prelude_ksf surf_prime_time_r3vamp surf_rebel_resistance_njv surf_rebel_scaz_csgo surf_reprise surf_southpark_refix surf_training surf_trance_ksf surf_utopia_v3 surf_water-run_b5 surf_3 surf_ace surf_aether surf_amplitude_encore_nsf_v4 surf_amplitude_light surf_annoyance_njv surf_aqua surf_atlas_1 surf_b_r_o_x_x_x surf_classics surf_classics2 surf_colors_beta1 surf_colours surf_coralis_ksf- surf_crzyfrog_reloaded surf_delusional_ surf_eclipse surf_elites_v2 surf_faint_fix surf_fruits surf_furios- surf_glass7 surf_glass9 surf_globalchaos surf_graphia" surf_grassland surf_halloween_tf surf_happyhands_test surf_how2surf surf_hurrr surf_ing_njv surf_inspire surf_island surf_juturna surf_krow10 surf_kz_protraining surf_lessons surf_lore_e surf_mesa_aether surf_mesa_mine surf_neo_njv surf_networked_ surf_network_2008_final surf_network_2009_njv surf_newb_hazard_r1 surf_not_so_sinister surf_ny_platinum surf_ny_superhappiest_b3 surf_odyssey_ surf_orthodox surf_paradise surf_portal_game4 surf_presmon_fix surf_psycho_njv surf_radiation_hazard surf_rainbow surf_rookie surf_simpsons_go_rc2 surf_singletons surf_spacejam surf_sundown_njv surf_sunnyhappylove surf_sup_ surf_syria_ surf_tensile_njv surf_the_gloaming_rat surf_the_gloaming_rat_gfl surf_tomb_redone surf_vegetables surf_waterworks surf_wood surf_1day surf_2012_beta12 surf_6 surf_acp surf_acp_fix surf_adtr_njv surf_amateur_v2b_ surf_amplitude_apex_njv surf_animals surf_anthropomorphic- surf_asrown surf_asrown- surf_ataque_final surf_auroia_njv surf_bbb surf_blackout_v1 surf_bob surf_boring surf_bork_nbv surf_brutalist_ez surf_canisius surf_canisius2 surf_canisius2_fix surf_catalyst2 surf_christmas surf_color_njv surf_commune_again_beta5- surf_commune_too_beta5 surf_compulsive_njv surf_concept_njv surf_cookiejar surf_creation surf_crystal surf_cubic surf_cyanide_njv surf_cyka surf_deceptive_final surf_depressing surf_depths surf_destiny_fixed surf_diminsion_ surf_distraction_v2 surf_diverge surf_doodles_njv surf_dusk surf_dynasty surf_ecosystem surf_elements_beta3 surf_ember_sns surf_entropy_finalv2 surf_epic surf_exocube surf_exogenesis surf_extremex surf_faint surf_fast surf_fathom surf_flatliners surf_flyin_fortress surf_forbidden_swag surf_forbidden_tomb_sns surf_frequency_njv surf_healthy_e surf_heaven surf_hydrogen_v2_njv surf_iceworld surf_imagine_fix surf_imex_njv surf_impact_njv surf_infected_njv surf_injection_njv surf_inrage- surf_insideout surf_jenocide surf_kawaii surf_kitsune2_GO surf_liberation surf_liberation2 surf_lies surf_lighthouse surf_lithium- surf_lithium2- surf_lolrevlis2 surf_lt_unicorn surf_masonry- surf_mellow surf_metalwall- surf_methadone surf_milkyway surf_missing_no surf_molstration surf_morbid- surf_mynah_final surf_network_2013 surf_ny_advance_nsf_v2 surf_n_bhop_beta1 surf_olympics_sns surf_omnibus_sns surf_oompa_loompa_ surf_orbion_x surf_palette_v2 surf_pinkbash surf_placid surf_plaguelands_beta7a surf_plethora_fix surf_porn_fix surf_prolix surf_prosaic_njv surf_proximity_final surf_psi surf_quantum_njv surf_quattro- surf_quilavar- surf_rapid_njv surf_razer_final surf_redemption_b1 surf_refraxis surf_retroartz_s surf_sanding surf_sci_fi surf_seaworld surf_sky_ages surf_smaragd surf_smile surf_smile_njv surf_spaceship_ksf surf_spectrum_njv surf_stagejuan_ksf_ surf_static surf_stick- surf_s_t_a_t_i_o_n surf_take1 surf_thembrium_sns surf_thief surf_this_njv surf_togo_njv surf_torque2_njv surf_torque_ surf_tronia_njv surf_tron_njv surf_two_colour surf_ultimatum surf_velocity_nsf surf_voteforthisone surf_wazor surf_zion_njv surf_4dimensional surf_abyss_fix surf_airflow surf_arghmyeyes surf_artifex surf_auroria_2 surf_beyer surf_beyer2 surf_blackside_njv surf_blub_njv surf_calamity2 surf_calamity_njv_ surf_calibration surf_collaboration surf_collection_njv surf_construction surf_curious surf_discovery_njv surf_divided_nsf surf_dynamics surf_elysium surf_eternal_beta surf_euphoria surf_exclave surf_finesse_final surf_forbidden_tomb2_njv surf_forbidden_tomb3 surf_forbidden_tomb4_njv surf_freedom- surf_goldarn surf_inrage2 surf_insignia_b1 surf_interceptor surf_ixtab_njv surf_jizznipples surf_junglespic_ksf- surf_koa surf_love surf_mash-up surf_neoplasma surf_nikolo surf_overgrowth surf_pandemonium surf_parrot_selector surf_polygon surf_prosperity_v2 surf_pure- surf_qlimax_q- surf_quartus_ksf surf_quasar_njv surf_ragequit_ surf_rands_njv surf_savant_njv surf_sc_essence_v2_njv surf_sempar_njv surf_sensation surf_sentient surf_sewers surf_sexplizooimed surf_sexyartz_njv surf_skill8_ surf_sluice surf_stickybutt_alpha- surf_stonework- surf_stonework2 surf_sunset_njv surf_symbiosis_njv surf_taq_njv surf_underworld_go surf_vector_final surf_whoknows surf_core_fix surf_damn surf_dionysus surf_elysium2 surf_entropy_hardmode surf_exocube_h surf_extremex2_5_njv surf_flappybird surf_freaky_njv surf_gurus_njv surf_infamous_ksf surf_kalium2_ surf_legendary surf_loentra surf_map surf_metallic surf_minecraft surf_misc surf_overgrowth2 surf_primero_njv surf_rustic surf_sandman surf_stonework3 surf_the_distance_ surf_timewarp surf_treefort surf_tronic_njv surf_tundra surf_unreal2 surf_unreal_njv_ surf_exile_njv surf_gettingharder surf_jusched surf_lt_omnific_ surf_map_h surf_nightmare surf_pyrism_njv surf_royal surf_sinister_evil surf_sinsane_ksf surf_skill8_h surf_syria_again_ Misc -You will receive a certain amount of points for beating a map for the first time, and an even larger amount of points for getting a top 10 time on it -The start zones prevent you from prehopping for a headstart, so no need to worry about that this time 7 Edited January 10, 2024 by triou csgo archive Link to comment
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