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JB order specification.

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In regards to mic orders overriding chat orders: Not going to happen, and shouldn't happen. You're just going to end up having an idiot CT overriding a legitimate CT that doesn't have a mic. Just having a mic doesn't make you any more capable of being a good CT. It does make it easier, but it is more than possible to be a good CT without it.


In regards to warden: No. Our current system works, and has worked for a number of years higher than @Dominic can count. It all boils down to, as Jake said in his first post, CTs just need to work together. Majority of the time, you have one or two CTs that end up being a faux-warden anyway (See: Bubblez or myself). If I join CT, I'll be damned if I'm going to have to listen to some kid that doesn't understand our rules, give crap orders. You also now run into this issue of when the warden dies, and now you have all these people on T side screaming "warden dead, freeday!" It already happens now without wardens. I do not agree with restraining who can give orders as a CT.

I understand your point and all, but working =/= perfect. Adding some new stuff to JB would only make it better at this point. There is pros with the system we currently have, but I think there are too many flaws for a server popular like SG's. In many communities, Gmod, css and csgo, having a mic is obligatory to give orders, or else they're considered invalid. I'm just suggesting stuff, but a Warden system would make orders and days so clearer, removing cancer CTs from the way.


You're supposed to follow whatever came last. If the CT continues to conflict orders, then you could either record a demo, or ask an admin to get on. Its a huge benefit to have a mic on CT but its not necessary.


Also, I don't know for you guys, but I would rather change the mod a little than to call an admin every time (often, too) there's something wrong with the players.

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We have an unofficial warden system already, it's called being an Alpha Male and asserting authority :bird:


Seriously though, playing CT requires someone who's willing to take the reigns and step into a leadership role. If this isn't happening due to other CTs being trollish, stupid, etc., and making it hard to understand orders, admins have the discretion to switch them over to T. If there's a struggle between CTs who want to assume the leadership role but won't budge and therefore keep trying to talk over each other, admins should step in to settle the dispute if it starts to get out of hand and negatively affect gameplay.


As for CTs who randomly chime in with in-game chat orders, I find it very helpful when another CT or even a T repeats that text order over the mic so it doesn't get lost.

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Edited by Wawa
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