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Admin of the Month/Week?

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23:27 - Bop: pls

30 May 2016

00:02 - Bop: u are ao right xd

00:02 - [sG] Stunningjam: nope

00:03 - [sG] Stunningjam: i wish

00:03 - [sG] Stunningjam: llo

00:03 - Bop: wat

00:03 - [sG] Stunningjam: xD

00:03 - [sG] Stunningjam: Why you think that?

00:03 - Bop: oh lol, I thought u were ao

00:03 - Bop: idk

00:03 - Bop: u just seem to be more of the mature and smart admins xd







This idea sounds alright. Probably would require hidden voting :p and the rewards? Probably nothing seeing how favoured it can be. Just recognition maybe, special title? Sub for the month even? :p


is this a joke

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This went from a "suggestion"


To "fuck off stunning you piece of shit CA who shall never be anything better than one. Are you even a real CA? WTF?"


If only every thread could follow this trend.

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I just got this crazy thought, and I understand this is a lot of work... and only really benefits the admins and up.




We could have a system where after each month, the SG community gets to answer a poll of who was the best admin this month?


They are on a lot, helping new members, just some typical things.

(And hopefully not to an extent where an admin becomes like "Vote for Trump" kind of thing xP"


But the admin would be rewarded in a way of doing their "Job"


Lastly, if you would want people to contribute, each time a player would vote they would get like 5 credits in the !shop or something.


EDIT: The idea sounded better in my head...


Sounds like a cool idea but I could definitely see it being more of a popularity contest instead, actually I could almost guarantee it. This is why I like Stunnings idea of maybe a title instead of an actual reward. In addition to this, I would suggest changing the idea from admin of the month to player of the month. The reason I say this is because new players may view this as kind of condescending. This is because, people may think "Why should only admins be recognized? Do they think they are better than us?" While admins may still get this title nearly 100% of the time (if players actually voted based on the positive contributions and not who they like the most), it would make people feel as if they have a chance and if they really try, they could be recognized, even as a pleb.

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Edited by FLuiD
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Honestly, it will end up the same way as the yearly favorite admin thingy does. And besides that, if you think Stunningjam seems more mature and smarter than other Admins, oh god, then this is exactly why I wouldn't want to see this happening.


I don't talk to Stunning much xd

But when I do, he's nice. That's my point, it was just an idea because most of the admins are still considerably "smart" and "mature"

I could make a really long list, yet I still don't know all the admins and I'm sure they are "smart" and "mature"

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