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SG dedicated bhop server?

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To give a more elaborated post on this:


We try to avoid gimmick servers. We currently have the course server which in my opinion is a very gimmicky server in itself, but that's the only one we have. Bhop/climb servers are 'gimmick' servers in the sense that no one really actively plays them day after day, they just play it whenever they feel like doing it for maybe an hour every few days then never play it again. We don't want to support those servers when we could have more populated servers people will play in and enjoy everyday.

I agree, even tho I would support more servers.

Our course is niche and are played once in a while by SG members or random players. Currently our current focus are our main servers. That being said we are known to jump ships to other major games, next hopefully Battlefield 1.

@XeNo @Spartan @Korean Ninja

Sorry boys im not remember any other BF players and most of them are banned.

Did we have a bf3 server or was it just bc2?

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Was gonna bring this up in the next CA meeting :L

We'll probably still talk about it there, it's good to get opinions/thoughts out beforehand though so everyone has time to stew on them and address different things at the meeting regarding the subject. What are your thoughts on it?

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I definitely won't mind changing the Course server to Bhop. But as others have stated, I don't see it getting anymore population than Course currently has.


What do you guys think of integrating some bhop maps in the course server? I could get rid of some course maps and add some of the better bhop maps. Only concern is again, it won't be very well populated, but I don't think it would hurt.


Not going to be negative here, but will we have access to the bhop_stats? I have checked the logs quite a lot the last few weeks.. Not going to snitch on anybody but there's even admins who easily went above acceptable values on completely flat surfaces. I think we should really make it clear to the community that scripting as a whole is not allowed. If there's tier 1-2 bhop maps with a timer, it would be great :)

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We'll probably still talk about it there, it's good to get opinions/thoughts out beforehand though so everyone has time to stew on them and address different things at the meeting regarding the subject. What are your thoughts on it?


I mentioned this to @Bread before and we discussed how we should have Course replaced because it's been really struggling to get a decent amount of players interested in playing. It was great for the first few weeks but it died down really badly after that. Once in a while, I'll see 2-3 people on it trying it out but after that its back to being left in the dust. I thought it would've been a good idea to replace Course completely with a different game mode and bhop could seem fitting to try at this point. It's hard to get a population going into course because I only know very few people actually like to play it, and they don't even play it anymore... The idea of Easy Bhop Tier 1-2 or 1-3 works imo.

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You can't really find that many course dedicated servers and I feel that you can attract more people to join the community with a bhop server rather than a course server. I have friends who only play on bhop servers and weirdly enough, some of them are extremely dedicated to bhop servers - it's sort of scary... Anyways, I personally think it's a good idea to change the course server to a bhop server!

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I'm just speaking for myself here but I'd enjoy a bhop/surf battle type server considering the removal of super tower etc. Think of it as a replacement for course and the answer to the mg map controversy. (Really just an idea, no request or anything) :swagllama:

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Not going to snitch on anybody but there's even admins who easily went above acceptable values on completely flat surfaces. I think we should really make it clear to the community that scripting as a whole is not allowed.


Getting a strange sense of deja vu reading that. Swear I recall someone saying basically the same thing before and a higher up asking them to let them know. Just throwing it out there, if you know admins might be scripting, you might want to consider PM'ing a higher up about it. It's just a ticking time bomb. Matter of fact, think it was in a ban appeal that someone pointed out some admins were scripting and think a BD asked them if they could provide proof.

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We already have a dedicated bhop server, it's called Minigames.

































(seriously though, it is)

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Not going to be negative here, but will we have access to the bhop_stats? I have checked the logs quite a lot the last few weeks.. Not going to snitch on anybody but there's even admins who easily went above acceptable values on completely flat surfaces. I think we should really make it clear to the community that scripting as a whole is not allowed. If there's tier 1-2 bhop maps with a timer, it would be great :)


Autobhop server, problem solved (kind of). Fun and accessible to everyone.

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Edited by Matty
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