Wesker Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 1534 Joined: 07/27/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 (edited) I have noticed anytime multiple players throw Molotov's into a large enough group of players the server latency goes to shit... Depending on the map being played it can happen more often but in general I think its a major issue (there can be a 5-10 second delay before server processes something). Can we possibly code our own Molotov / grenade plugin to replace this? I'm certain this could use less resources using some other method to slow the zombies. Edit: Plugin is finished - [sM] GreNade Kick #pragma semicolon 1 #include #include #include #include #pragma newdecls required //Create ConVar handles ConVar g_ConVar_Enabled; ConVar g_ConVar_Debug; ConVar g_ConVar_pDistance; ConVar g_ConVar_vKnockback; ConVar g_ConVar_hKnockback; ConVar g_ConVar_StamPenalty; ConVar g_ConVar_dmgCap; ConVar g_ConVar_iTime; ConVar g_ConVar_ringSize; //Separate ConVar variables to prevent looping in hooks bool g_Enabled = true; bool g_Debug = false; float g_pDistance = 1.0; float g_vKnockback = 1.0; float g_hKnockback = 1.0; float g_StamPenalty = 0.0; float g_dmgCap = 50.0; float g_iTime = 0.0; float g_ringSize = 0.0; int g_StaminaOffset = -1; int g_beamsprite = 0; int g_halosprite = 0; //Create our hash map handles StringMap hMapDirection; StringMap hMapOrigin; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Nade_Kick", author = "AgentWesker", description = "Zombie knockback plugin.", version = "1.7", url = "http://steam-gamers.net" }; public void OnPluginStart() { //Get stamina offset g_StaminaOffset = FindSendPropInfo("CCSPlayer", "m_flStamina"); if (g_StaminaOffset == -1) { SetFailState("CCSPlayer::m_flStamina could not be found."); } //Stamina ConVar g_ConVar_StamPenalty = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_stampenalty", "100.0", "How much to slow the player. Default = 100.0", _, true, 0.0, true, 100.0); g_StamPenalty = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_StamPenalty); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_StamPenalty, OnConVarChanged); //Damage Cap ConVar g_ConVar_dmgCap = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_dmgcap", "30.0", "How much damage can affect velocity. Default = 50.0", _, true, 1.0, true, 100.0); g_dmgCap = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_dmgCap); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_dmgCap, OnConVarChanged); //Enabled ConVar g_ConVar_Enabled = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_enabled", "1", "Enable/Disable the plugin. Enable = 1", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); g_Enabled = GetConVarBool(g_ConVar_Enabled); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_Enabled, OnConVarChanged); //Debug ConVar g_ConVar_Debug = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_debug", "0", "Print debug to chat. Enable = 1", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); g_Debug = GetConVarBool(g_ConVar_Debug); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_Debug, OnConVarChanged); //Distance ConVars g_ConVar_pDistance = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_pdistance", "115.0", "How far to measure in front of attacker. Default = 115.0", _, true, 0.1, true, 1500.0); g_pDistance = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_pDistance); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_pDistance, OnConVarChanged); //Ignite ConVar g_ConVar_iTime = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_itime", "5.0", "How long to ignite the victim. Disabled = 0", _, true, 0.0, true, 15.0); g_iTime = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_iTime); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_iTime, OnConVarChanged); //Grenade Ring ConVar g_ConVar_ringSize = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_ringSize", "375.0", "How large to make the ring effect. Disabled = 0", _, true, 0.0, true, 800.0); g_ringSize = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_ringSize); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_ringSize, OnConVarChanged); //Knockback ConVars g_ConVar_vKnockback = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_vknockback", "20.0", "Vertical knockback multiplier. Default = 20.0", _, true, 0.1, true, 1000.0); g_ConVar_hKnockback = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_hknockback", "30.0", "Horizontal knockback multiplier. Default = 30.0", _, true, 0.1, true, 1000.0); g_vKnockback = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_vKnockback); g_hKnockback = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_hKnockback); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_vKnockback, OnConVarChanged); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_hKnockback, OnConVarChanged); //Hook events HookEvent("player_death", OnPlayerDeath); if (g_ringSize > 10.0) { HookEvent("hegrenade_detonate", OnHeDetonate); } //Create our hash maps hMapDirection = new StringMap(); hMapOrigin = new StringMap(); //Execute the config and create if not yet made AutoExecConfig(true, "nade_kick"); //Late plugin load (or reload) for (int i = 1; i { if (IsClientInGame(i)) { OnClientPutInServer(i); } } } public void OnMapStart() { g_beamsprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt"); g_halosprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/halo.vmt"); } public void OnConVarChanged(ConVar convar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal) { if (convar == g_ConVar_Enabled) { if (StringToInt(newVal) == 1) { g_Enabled = true; HookClients(); } else { g_Enabled = false; UnHookClients(); } } else if (convar == g_ConVar_Debug) { if (StringToInt(newVal) == 1) { g_Debug = true; } else { g_Debug = false; } } else if (convar == g_ConVar_pDistance) { g_pDistance = StringToFloat(newVal); } else if (convar == g_ConVar_vKnockback) { g_vKnockback = StringToFloat(newVal); } else if (convar == g_ConVar_hKnockback) { g_hKnockback = StringToFloat(newVal); } else if (convar == g_ConVar_StamPenalty) { g_StamPenalty = StringToFloat(newVal); } else if (convar == g_ConVar_dmgCap) { g_dmgCap = StringToFloat(newVal); } else if (convar == g_ConVar_iTime) { g_iTime = StringToFloat(newVal); } else if (convar == g_ConVar_ringSize) { g_ringSize = StringToFloat(newVal); if (g_ringSize > 10.0) { HookEvent("hegrenade_detonate", OnHeDetonate); } else { UnhookEvent("hegrenade_detonate", OnHeDetonate); } } } public void HookClients() { for (int i = 1; i { if(IsClientInGame(i)) { SDKHook(i, SDKHook_OnTakeDamagePost, OnTakeDamagePost); } } } public void UnHookClients() { for (int i = 1; i { if(IsClientInGame(i)) { SDKUnhook(i, SDKHook_OnTakeDamagePost, OnTakeDamagePost); } } } public void OnClientPutInServer(int client) { //dont hook stuff that isnt needed if(!g_Enabled) return; //Use an SDKHook for inflictor index SDKHook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamagePost, OnTakeDamagePost); } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { //Get rid of this timer (?) if (IsClientInGame(client)) { ExtinguishEntity(client); } } public void OnPlayerDeath(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { OnClientDisconnect(GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"))); } public void OnEntityCreated(int entity, const char[] classname) { //Is the plugin enabled? Otherwise don't continue if (!g_Enabled) { return; } //Is this a valid entity? if (IsValidEdict(entity)) { char class_name[32]; GetEdictClassname(entity, class_name, 32); //Only hook projectiles if they are valid if (StrContains(class_name, "hegrenade_projectile", false) != -1 && IsValidEntity(entity)) { if (g_Debug) { PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: Hooked projectile %d", entity); } if (g_iTime > 0.0) { IgniteEntity(entity, 2.0); } //Hook the entity, we must wait until post spawn SDKHook(entity, SDKHook_SpawnPost, OnEntitySpawned); } } } public void OnEntitySpawned(int entity) { if(!g_Enabled) return; int owner = GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity"); //The client //Origin vectors define position (X, Y, Z) //Angle vectors define orientation (Pitch, Yaw, Roll) //Magnitude vectors define direction (X, Y, Z) anything from zero is distance //Create vector from player float pEyeOrigin[3], pEyeAngles[3]; GetClientEyePosition(owner, pEyeOrigin); //Player origin GetClientEyeAngles(owner, pEyeAngles); //Player angles //Flatten player angles along Z axis pEyeAngles[0] = 0.0; //Set pitch pEyeAngles[2] = 0.0; //Set roll if (g_Debug) { PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: %N angle is %f", owner, pEyeAngles[1]); } //Get direction GetAngleVectors(pEyeAngles, pEyeAngles, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR); //Transform into vector NormalizeVector(pEyeAngles, pEyeAngles); //Clamp vector ScaleVector(pEyeAngles, g_pDistance); //How far ahead of player we go AddVectors(pEyeOrigin, pEyeAngles, pEyeOrigin); //Move origin along vector //Save pgVector to hash char entStr[12]; IntToString(entity, entStr, 12); hMapDirection.SetArray(entStr, pEyeAngles, 3, true); hMapOrigin.SetArray(entStr, pEyeOrigin, 3, true); } public void OnTakeDamagePost(int victim, int attacker, int inflictor, float damage, int damagetype, int weapon, const float damageForce[3], const float damagePosition[3], int damagecustom) { //Stop if disabled if (!g_Enabled) { return; } //Is player alive? if (!IsClientInGame(attacker)) { return; } else { if (!IsPlayerAlive(attacker)) { return; } } char sWeapon[32]; GetEdictClassname(inflictor, sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon)); // If the player is a zombie and it is hurt with a grenade if ((ZR_IsClientZombie(victim) && ZR_IsClientHuman(attacker)) && StrContains("hegrenade_projectile", sWeapon, false) != -1 && damage >= 2.0) { //Initialize vector handles, aForward and aVictim directions float victimOrigin[3], attackerOrigin[3], grenadeOrigin[3], afVector[3], avVector[3]; if (g_Debug) { char nameentname[225]; GetEdictClassname(inflictor, nameentname, sizeof(nameentname)); PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: Inflictor ent %d, %s", inflictor, nameentname); } //Use entity index as key and grab afVector from hash char inflictorStr[12]; IntToString(inflictor, inflictorStr, 12); //Check that hash values return successfully otherwise call the cops if (!hMapDirection.GetArray(inflictorStr, afVector, 3, _)) { ThrowError("Attacker has no direction vector, inflictor not found!"); } else if (!hMapOrigin.GetArray(inflictorStr, attackerOrigin, 3, _)) { ThrowError("Attacker has no origin vector, inflictor not found!"); } //Get the origin vector for victim GetEntPropVector(victim, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", victimOrigin); //Make new vector from player to victim MakeVectorFromPoints(attackerOrigin, victimOrigin, avVector); NormalizeVector(avVector, avVector); //Re-normalize the attacker forward vector NormalizeVector(afVector, afVector); //Get the angle between player forward view and player viewing victim float dot = GetVectorDotProduct(afVector, avVector); //Get initial dot product dot = (dot / FloatMul(GetVectorLength(avVector, true), GetVectorLength(afVector, true))); //Divide by vector magnitude float vectorAngle = RadToDeg(ArcCosine(dot)); //Get angle in radians, then convert to degrees if (g_Debug) { PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: %N angle is %f", victim, vectorAngle); PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: %N took %f damage", victim, damage); } float dmgMulti = damage; if (damage >= g_dmgCap) { dmgMulti = g_dmgCap; } //Check if victim is behind attacker if (vectorAngle GetEntPropVector(inflictor, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", grenadeOrigin); MakeVectorFromPoints(grenadeOrigin, victimOrigin, avVector); NormalizeVector(avVector, avVector); dot = GetVectorDotProduct(afVector, avVector); //Get initial dot product dot = (dot / FloatMul(GetVectorLength(avVector, true), GetVectorLength(afVector, true))); //Divide by vector magnitude vectorAngle = RadToDeg(ArcCosine(dot)); //Get angle in radians, then convert to degrees if (vectorAngle afVector[0] = avVector[0]; afVector[1] = avVector[1]; } //Scale original values to maintain direction ScaleVector(afVector, g_hKnockback); //Scale by multiplier ScaleVector(afVector, dmgMulti); //Scale by damage } else { //Only go vertical afVector[0] = 0.0; afVector[1] = 0.0; } afVector[2] = FloatMul(g_vKnockback, dmgMulti); //Set vertical velocity //Only ignite if we have time if (g_iTime > 0.0) { //Don't double ignite ExtinguishEntity(victim); IgniteEntity(victim, g_iTime); } // Apply the directional push TeleportEntity(victim, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, afVector); //Slow the player if (g_StamPenalty > 0.0) { SetEntDataFloat(victim, g_StaminaOffset, g_StamPenalty, true); } } } public void OnHeDetonate(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) { //Stop if disabled if ((!g_Enabled) || (g_ringSize return; } //Get the origin for the ring float origin[3]; origin[0] = GetEventFloat(event, "x"); origin[1] = GetEventFloat(event, "y"); origin[2] = GetEventFloat(event, "z"); //Color the ring int fragColor[4] = {255,75,75,255}; //Set the life time float ringLife = FloatDiv(g_ringSize, 1000.0); if (ringLife ringLife = 0.1; } TE_SetupBeamRingPoint(origin, 10.0, g_ringSize, g_beamsprite, g_halosprite, 1, 1, ringLife, 100.0, 1.0, fragColor, 0, 0); TE_SendToAll(); } 1 Edited June 27, 2016 by Wesker Link to comment
Pan32 Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 1747 Joined: 03/17/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 Can we possibly code our own Molotov / grenade plugin to replace this? I'm certain this could use less resources using some other method to slow the zombies. The issue is that there really isnt another method to do the same effect. Link to comment
Wesker Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 1534 Joined: 07/27/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 (edited) The issue is that there really isnt another method to do the same effect. Can we edit the grenade boost plugin to automatically apply a 5 second stamina reduction to any zombies that are boosted? One time application of stamina vs constant knockback for the duration of molotov? Edit: Or rather than stamina set player speed to half until they reach the ground again grenadeboost.sp : This plugin makes HE grenades have vertical knockback only, sending zombies upwards when they’re hit by a grenade. It makes failnades happen less while still slowing zombies down but without causing a huge fps drop form the burning particle effects. Of course, Z:R grenade knockback is expected to be set to zero although low values for it might be interesting too. Cvars: zr_vertical_nade_kb [DEFAULT : 7.0 ] – Amount of vertical knockback to apply by multiplying it with the damage dealt when hurt by a grenade. inf_knockback_hook.sp : This plugin will let you have knockback coming from these inferno entities that push zombies outwards of the fire’s center. It will also let you decide whether you want them to push upwards or not (that is, have knockback as an sphere or as a circle/cylinder). Cvars: zr_inferno_novertical [DEFAULT : 1 ] – Whether to allow vertical knockback on inferno-based damage or not. zr_inferno_knockscale [DEFAULT: 112.0 ] – Amount of knockback to apply on these inferno entities. Perhaps a bit high by default, so toy around with it. Edited June 8, 2016 by Wesker Link to comment
Pan32 Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 1747 Joined: 03/17/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 Can we edit the grenade boost plugin to automatically apply a 5 second stamina reduction to any zombies that are boosted? One time application of stamina vs constant knockback for the duration of molotov? Edit: Or rather than stamina set player speed to half until they reach the ground again We used to use stamina penalty to repoduce old molotov grenades from css and it caused even more lag than the current inferno knockback ones. Link to comment
Wesker Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 1534 Joined: 07/27/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 (edited) Here is the Molotov plugin: [color="#FFFFFF"]public OnTakeDamagePost(client, attacker, entity, Float:damage, damagetype, weapon, const Float:damageForce[3], const Float:damagePosition[3]) { // If the player hit isn't a zombie if(!ZR_IsClientZombie(client)) { return; } // If we don't smell the BBQ then we'll pass if (!(damagetype & DMG_BURN)) { return; } // Get the whole vector thing rolling new Float:playerLoc[3]; new Float:infernoLoc[3]; GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", playerLoc); GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", infernoLoc); new Float:pushVector[3]; MakeVectorFromPoints(infernoLoc, playerLoc, pushVector); // If we don't want fire to push us upwards (which doesn't make sense anyway) // We set the Z-component of the vector to 0 if(noVertical){ pushVector[2] = 0.0; } // Normalize the vector so that the length is 1 and the scaling is uniform NormalizeVector(pushVector, pushVector); // Scale the vector (ideally, when merged with Z:R, this'd be the weapon multiplier) // It would need to be upscaled too since flames deal (too) low damage. ScaleVector(pushVector, knockback); // Apply velocity on client // In Z:R, this would be integrated in knockback.inc // and we'd make use of the call to ToolsClientVelocity in tools_functions.inc TeleportEntity(client, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, pushVector); }[/color] Here is the old napalm grenade plugin: [color="#FFFFFF"] public OnTakeDamagePost(client, attacker, inflictor, Float:damage, damagetype) { if (!(damagetype & DMG_BURN)) { return; } if (attacker >= 1 && attacker { if (g_NapalmOnly == true) { return; } } if (!IsClientOnObject(client)) { return; } SetEntDataFloat(client, g_StaminaOffset, g_Penalty, true); return; }[/color] And finally the grenade plugin that pushes zombies upward: [color="#FFFFFF"] public Event_HandleNadeDamage(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast){ new clientid = GetEventInt(event, "userid"); new client = GetClientOfUserId(clientid); new damage = GetEventInt(event,"dmg_health"); decl String:weapon[32]; GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon)); // If the player is a zombie and it is hurt with a grenade if(GetClientTeam(client)==2 && StrEqual("hegrenade", weapon)){ // Generate the vector new Float:vector[3]; vector[0] = 0.0; vector[1] = 0.0; vector[2] = knockback*damage; // Apply the push TeleportEntity(client, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, vector); } }[/color] The last one only processes one time, so theoretically if we change the players stamina in there and modify sv_staminarecoveryrate to a low value the plugin does very little impact...? Edited June 10, 2016 by Wesker Link to comment
Pan32 Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 1747 Joined: 03/17/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 Here is the Molotov plugin: Here is the old napalm grenade plugin: And finally the grenade plugin that pushes zombies upward: The last one only processes one time, so theoretically if we change the players stamina in there and modify sv_staminarecoveryrate to a low value the plugin does very little impact... I know the sourcecode of all of them, and while theoretically it should be lighter, in actual live testing that i did about a 6 to 9 months ago demonstrated the opposite Link to comment
Wesker Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 1534 Joined: 07/27/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 (edited) Well then I'm pretty much out of ideas. Only one I got left is to remove molotov's entirely - Then make the knockback nades push zombies in the direction the player looked when the grenade was thrown (at an upwards angle) Edited June 8, 2016 by Wesker Link to comment
BlackWhite Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 2262 Joined: 02/05/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 Well then I'm pretty much out of ideas. Only one I got left is to remove molotov's entirely - Then make the knockback nades push zombies in the direction the player looked when the grenade was thrown (at an upwards angle) I hope you didn't forget about people nading the zombie ahead when they spawn ahead of them Link to comment
Stunningjam Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 1468 Joined: 06/27/10 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 I hope you didn't forget about people nading the zombie ahead when they spawn ahead of them As it boosts them in the direction you face, they would have to be behind them. If they're going to troll this method, they may as well FailKnife them forward in the first place. Link to comment
Kurohime Posted June 8, 2016 Content Count: 954 Joined: 05/29/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 8, 2016 As it boosts them in the direction you face, they would have to be behind them. If they're going to troll this method, they may as well FailKnife them forward in the first place. Bouncing it off a wall back into the zombies. You underestimate the ingenuity of the people trying to teamkill. Link to comment
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