Wesker Posted June 15, 2016 Content Count: 1534 Joined: 07/27/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 15, 2016 I would recommend using the natives from zombie reloaded to check for see if someone is a zombie or a human instead of GetClientTeam Thought about that, but logically it should not be necessary as the player hurt event will only be called if they are already a zombie. (Z:R prevents all damage to non-zombie players) Link to comment
R3TROATTACK Posted June 15, 2016 Content Count: 1396 Joined: 09/14/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 15, 2016 Thought about that, but logically it should not be necessary as the player hurt event will only be called if they are already a zombie. (Z:R prevents all damage to non-zombie players) Just a recommendation but since I'm not currently home kinda hard to look at everything so I'll make a better post when I get home 1 Link to comment
R3TROATTACK Posted June 17, 2016 Content Count: 1396 Joined: 09/14/12 Status: Offline Share Posted June 17, 2016 So I got bored again and did a little bit of optimizations/updated stuff you missed to new syntax #pragma semicolon 1 #include #include #include #include #pragma newdecls required //Create ConVar handles ConVar g_ConVar_Enabled; ConVar g_ConVar_Debug; ConVar g_ConVar_pDistance; ConVar g_ConVar_vKnockback; ConVar g_ConVar_hKnockback; ConVar g_ConVar_StamPenalty; ConVar g_ConVar_dmgCap; //Separate ConVar variables to prevent looping in hooks bool g_Enabled = true; bool g_Debug = false; float g_pDistance = 1.0; float g_vKnockback = 1.0; float g_hKnockback = 1.0; float g_StamPenalty = 0.0; float g_dmgCap = 50.0; int g_StaminaOffset = -1; //Create our hash map handles StringMap hMapDirection; StringMap hMapOrigin; public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Nade_Kick", author = "AgentWesker", description = "Zombie knockback plugin.", version = "1.4", url = "http://steam-gamers.net" }; public void OnPluginStart() { //Get stamina offset g_StaminaOffset = FindSendPropInfo("CCSPlayer", "m_flStamina"); if (g_StaminaOffset == -1) { SetFailState("CCSPlayer::m_flStamina could not be found."); } //Stamina ConVar g_ConVar_StamPenalty = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_stampenalty", "100.0", "How much to slow the player. Default = 100.0", _, true, 0.0, true, 100.0); g_StamPenalty = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_StamPenalty); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_StamPenalty, OnStamPenaltyChanged); //Damage Cap ConVar g_ConVar_dmgCap = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_dmgcap", "30.0", "How much damage can affect velocity. Default = 50.0", _, true, 1.0, true, 100.0); g_dmgCap = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_dmgCap); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_dmgCap, OnDmgCapChanged); //Enabled ConVar g_ConVar_Enabled = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_enabled", "1", "Enable/Disable the plugin. Enable = 1", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); g_Enabled = GetConVarBool(g_ConVar_Enabled); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_Enabled, OnEnabledChanged); //Debug ConVar g_ConVar_Debug = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_debug", "0", "Print debug to chat. Enable = 1", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); g_Debug = GetConVarBool(g_ConVar_Debug); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_Debug, OnDebugChanged); //Distance ConVars g_ConVar_pDistance = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_pdistance", "115.0", "How far to measure in front of attacker. Default = 115.0", _, true, 0.1, true, 1500.0); g_pDistance = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_pDistance); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_pDistance, OnPlayerDistanceChanged); //Knockback ConVars g_ConVar_vKnockback = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_vknockback", "20.0", "Vertical knockback multiplier. Default = 20.0", _, true, 0.1, true, 1000.0); g_ConVar_hKnockback = CreateConVar("sm_nadekick_hknockback", "30.0", "Horizontal knockback multiplier. Default = 30.0", _, true, 0.1, true, 1000.0); g_vKnockback = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_vKnockback); g_hKnockback = GetConVarFloat(g_ConVar_hKnockback); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_vKnockback, OnVerKnockbackChanged); HookConVarChange(g_ConVar_hKnockback, OnHorKnockbackChanged); //Create our hash maps hMapDirection = new StringMap(); hMapOrigin = new StringMap(); //Execute the config and create if not yet made AutoExecConfig(true, "nade_kick"); // Late load for (int i = 1; i { if (IsClientInGame(i)) { OnClientPutInServer(i); } } } //This is auto done if the plugin ends /*public void OnPluginEnd() { //Close the handle if the plugin unloads delete hMapDirection; delete hMapOrigin; }*/ public void OnEnabledChanged(ConVar cvar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal) { if(StringToInt(newVal) == 1) { g_Enabled = true; HookClients(); } else { g_Enabled = false; UnHookClients(); } } public void HookClients() { for (int i = 1; i { if(IsClientInGame(i)) { SDKHook(i, SDKHook_OnTakeDamagePost, OnTakeDamagePost); } } } public void UnHookClients() { for (int i = 1; i { if(IsClientInGame(i)) { SDKUnhook(i, SDKHook_OnTakeDamagePost, OnTakeDamagePost); } } } public void OnDebugChanged(ConVar cvar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal) { if(StringToInt(newVal) == 1) { g_Debug = true; } else { g_Debug = false; } } public void OnDmgCapChanged(ConVar cvar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal) { g_dmgCap = StringToFloat(newVal); } public void OnStamPenaltyChanged(ConVar cvar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal) { g_StamPenalty = StringToFloat(newVal); } public void OnPlayerDistanceChanged(ConVar cvar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal) { g_pDistance = StringToFloat(newVal); } public void OnVerKnockbackChanged(ConVar cvar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal) { g_vKnockback = StringToFloat(newVal); } public void OnHorKnockbackChanged(ConVar cvar, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal) { g_hKnockback = StringToFloat(newVal); } public void OnClientPutInServer(int client) { //dont hook stuff that isnt needed if(!g_Enabled) return; //Use an SDKHook for inflictor index SDKHook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamagePost, OnTakeDamagePost); } public void OnEntityCreated(int entity, const char[] classname) { //Is the plugin enabled? Otherwise don't continue if (!g_Enabled) { return; } //Is this a valid entity? if (IsValidEdict(entity)) { char class_name[32]; GetEdictClassname(entity, class_name, 32); //Only hook projectiles if they are valid if (StrContains(class_name, "hegrenade_projectile", false) != -1 && IsValidEntity(entity)) { if (g_Debug) { PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: Hooked projectile %d", entity); } //Hook the entity, we must wait until post spawn SDKHook(entity, SDKHook_SpawnPost, OnEntitySpawned); } } } public void OnEntitySpawned(int entity) { if(!g_Enabled) return; int owner = GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity"); //The client //Origin vectors define position (X, Y, Z) //Angle vectors define orientation (Pitch, Yaw, Roll) //Magnitude vectors define direction (X, Y, Z) anything from zero is distance //Create vector from player float pEyeOrigin[3], pEyeAngles[3]; GetClientEyePosition(owner, pEyeOrigin); //Player origin GetClientEyeAngles(owner, pEyeAngles); //Player angles //Flatten player angles along Z axis pEyeAngles[0] = 0.0; //Set pitch pEyeAngles[2] = 0.0; //Set roll if (g_Debug) { PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: %N angle is %f", owner, pEyeAngles[1]); } //Get direction GetAngleVectors(pEyeAngles, pEyeAngles, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR); //Transform into vector NormalizeVector(pEyeAngles, pEyeAngles); //Clamp vector ScaleVector(pEyeAngles, g_pDistance); //How far ahead of player we go AddVectors(pEyeOrigin, pEyeAngles, pEyeOrigin); //Move origin along vector //Save pgVector to hash char entStr[12]; IntToString(entity, entStr, 12); hMapDirection.SetArray(entStr, pEyeAngles, 3, true); hMapOrigin.SetArray(entStr, pEyeOrigin, 3, true); } public void OnTakeDamagePost(int victim, int attacker, int inflictor, float damage, int damagetype, int weapon, const float damageForce[3], const float damagePosition[3], int damagecustom) { //Stop if disabled if (!g_Enabled) { return; } //Is player alive? if (!IsPlayerAlive(attacker)) { return; } char sWeapon[32]; GetEdictClassname(inflictor, sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon)); // If the player is a zombie and it is hurt with a grenade if ((ZR_IsClientZombie(victim) && ZR_IsClientHuman(attacker)) && StrContains("hegrenade_projectile", sWeapon, false) != -1 && damage >= 2.0) { //Initialize vector handles, aForward and aVictim directions float victimOrigin[3], attackerOrigin[3], grenadeOrigin[3], afVector[3], avVector[3]; if (g_Debug) { char nameentname[225]; GetEdictClassname(inflictor, nameentname, sizeof(nameentname)); PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: Inflictor ent %d, %s", inflictor, nameentname); } //Use entity index as key and grab afVector from hash char inflictorStr[12]; IntToString(inflictor, inflictorStr, 12); //Check that hash values return successfully otherwise call the cops if (!hMapDirection.GetArray(inflictorStr, afVector, 3, _)) { ThrowError("Attacker has no direction vector, inflictor not found!"); } else if (!hMapOrigin.GetArray(inflictorStr, attackerOrigin, 3, _)) { ThrowError("Attacker has no origin vector, inflictor not found!"); } //Get the origin vector for victim GetEntPropVector(victim, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", victimOrigin); //Make new vector from player to victim MakeVectorFromPoints(attackerOrigin, victimOrigin, avVector); NormalizeVector(avVector, avVector); //Re-normalize the attacker forward vector NormalizeVector(afVector, afVector); //Get the angle between player forward view and player viewing victim float dot = GetVectorDotProduct(afVector, avVector); //Get initial dot product dot = (dot / FloatMul(GetVectorLength(avVector, true), GetVectorLength(afVector, true))); //Divide by vector magnitude float vectorAngle = RadToDeg(ArcCosine(dot)); //Get angle in radians, then convert to degrees if (g_Debug) { PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: %N angle is %f", victim, vectorAngle); PrintToChatAll("[sM]Nade Kick: %N took %f damage", victim, damage); } float dmgMulti = damage; if (damage >= g_dmgCap) { dmgMulti = g_dmgCap; } //Check if victim is behind attacker if (vectorAngle GetEntPropVector(inflictor, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", grenadeOrigin); MakeVectorFromPoints(grenadeOrigin, victimOrigin, avVector); NormalizeVector(avVector, avVector); dot = GetVectorDotProduct(afVector, avVector); //Get initial dot product dot = (dot / FloatMul(GetVectorLength(avVector, true), GetVectorLength(afVector, true))); //Divide by vector magnitude vectorAngle = RadToDeg(ArcCosine(dot)); //Get angle in radians, then convert to degrees if (vectorAngle afVector[0] = avVector[0]; afVector[1] = avVector[1]; } //Scale original values to maintain direction ScaleVector(afVector, g_hKnockback); //Scale by multiplier ScaleVector(afVector, dmgMulti); //Scale by damage } else { //Only go vertical afVector[0] = 0.0; afVector[1] = 0.0; } afVector[2] = FloatMul(g_vKnockback, dmgMulti); //Set vertical velocity // Apply the directional push TeleportEntity(victim, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, afVector); //Slow the player if (g_StamPenalty > 0.0) { SetEntDataFloat(victim, g_StaminaOffset, g_StamPenalty, true); } } } and here is zombiereloaded include xd I would use it xd Do you use something like SPEdit when coding or NP++ with sp syntax? Here is what I changed if you want to know @Agent Wesker Link to comment
Wesker Posted June 21, 2016 Content Count: 1534 Joined: 07/27/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 21, 2016 Plugin is finished (for real this time) thanks @R3TROATTACK [sM] GreNade Kick Hopefully do a live test soon @Crazy Swede 4 Link to comment
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