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Gun fling thingy

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if i'm not mistaken it's just a server setting

also, if i'm not mistaken we don't have it on TTT because it would cause all props to fly around like a badly programmed ragdoll

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Imagine an explosive barrel flying at you and someone shoots it perfectly at mid air so it ends up de_stroying you. Ayyy lemayo! Would be pretty damn fun so I can definitely see that but Kuro is right. It could cause more chaos and perhaps RDM if the props damage players. Up to Nuclear Orangehead

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Imagine an explosive barrel flying at you and someone shoots it perfectly at mid air so it ends up de_stroying you. Ayyy lemayo! Would be pretty damn fun so I can definitely see that but Kuro is right. It could cause more chaos and perhaps RDM if the props damage players. Up to Nuclear Orangehead


that would be hilarious, I don't even think there are a bunch of props anyways but we'll see

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Imagine an explosive barrel flying at you and someone shoots it perfectly at mid air so it ends up de_stroying you. Ayyy lemayo! Would be pretty damn fun so I can definitely see that but Kuro is right. It could cause more chaos and perhaps RDM if the props damage players. Up to Nuclear Orangehead


I don't think the exploding barrel thing is really possible because when you knife it it instantly explodes and on some maps like rooftops they just don't do damage.

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