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Removing the ffa server

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Seems gifs aint working SO... you're kidding, right? I would not remove a server that was just introduced about a few weeks ago just because "nobody" plays on it. New servers normally take time to get a steady population at first.

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Personal opinion, but as I said earlier when this server was introduced, I already have a DM server that I use to practice, and tbh I feel like it's more efficient seeing as it is always full of players. Yeah, this server may be populated at certain times of the day, but compared to the already established servers, this server can't really keep up. Not to mention there really isn't a big presence of people in SG who actually have the will to get better. I'm not saying it should be taken down, tbh I feel like the people who do play it, is more for the reason to have fun just playing against friends in just aiming. If the reason is still pliable where people just play for fun, then there's no real point taking it down, as @Black Rain stated above, it is a new server, giving it time is what you need to do. Tbh, to begin with this is my first time seeing a player requesting a server be taken down, you aren't paying for it, it doesn't affect you in any negative ways, so why bother trying to get it taken down... lol

Edited by Ayjin
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Yeah this one isn't going to rocket off considering the majority of players on SG I know of don't particularly practice. This could cater to more players of a different variety and style, but it is definitely going to take time. I feel like this server could be amazing for the community further down the road, once it attracts a player base of it's own.

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