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Trusted Subscribers getting !votekick

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Trusted regulars would rather try directly to become SA since it doesn't cost any money.

Easier remains they can call an admin (TS, forum/shoutbox, friendlist on steam) or make a ban request.


Clearly against this, only saw bad issues and fast flashbacks in the rare communities which had tried this.

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This has been brought up many times in the past and we are not in favor of allowing people to vote kick in any situation. It is too easily abused. Please if you have issues, contact an Admin via Steam Chat or shoutbox on the forum. If you cannot find one, please record a demo and upload a player complaint.

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I agree with what everyone else has said pretty much, but what Luke said kind of brought something to mind. What if we gave the option to stepped down admins/HG'S? That way, people we know who can handle admin but are not active enough, can have a less powerful version of a kick (votekick) since they're not an actual admin. Just an idea, thoughts?

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  FLuiD said:
What if we gave the option to stepped down admins/HG'S? That way, people we know who can handle admin but are not active enough, can have a less powerful version of a kick (votekick) since they're not an actual admin. Just an idea, thoughts?


Problem is many people who no longer have admin don't have it for a reason and that many HGs never had admin to begin with.


Again, it comes down to the problem of potential abuse of a system that has non-admins having any kind of power. It's why we have an admin application process to pick people who are mature enough for admin abilities. No matter how we'd try to regulate it we would never be able to remove the doubt for abuse.



Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

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