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Model preview

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Hi folks!


I've been buying stuff on the store, and instead of making sure I equipped everything on every page, would it be possible to have a view of your current char? Whenever you die, accessories/pet/equipped stuff just goes away, leaving your colored model on the ground.


I don't see how it could be possible, but I'm just asking if something like that would be possible with our current plugin and/or if it's already a thing somewhere else. (like the individual previews for store items, basically).



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The only way this could be done with CS:GO is the same way we do the item previews (images of the item). The problem with that method is that we'd have to make an image for every possible combination of items you can equip, which could be thousands of images, and then whenever we add or change an item we'd have to create another huge set of images to account for that. It's just not practical to develop and manage.

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The only way this could be done with CS:GO is the same way we do the item previews (images of the item). The problem with that method is that we'd have to make an image for every possible combination of items you can equip, which could be thousands of images, and then whenever we add or change an item we'd have to create another huge set of images to account for that. It's just not practical to develop and manage.


That's what I thought, I didn't think making a live preview of the character would be possible without flooding the files with images. Thanks for the answer!

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