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TTT- Radar

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When ever the detective or t's buy radars, there is usually some complaint about not being able to see the radar, or it just takes way too long to pop up. I think we should either increase range of radar, or make it update faster, and for t's make it so that they dont see it under their t buddies, cause that sometimes gets confusing :^)

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The thing about the radar is that its pretty op when you have it as a T.

You mostly use it as a T when there's only 1-2 inno's left and are hiding somewhere.

The rangelimit is sometimes annoying like with 67way, but again if you just run around as a T it'll spawn up. Easily fixed.


Also this:

Retro said that csgo has a limit In which the red circle will appear and there is nothing he can do to change it. If you wanted this fixed go ask valve the change their game.


I can get the radar intervals are annoying, but its something you'll have to get the hang out of it. Intervals are around every 20 seconds.


Also radar as a detective is useless, i'd rather have it deleted from the detective menu... Whenever a detectives buys it its mostly accidentally

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I honestly think the radar as it is is fine. Sure on some larger maps it doesn't work as well but if the range was greater and/or the interval was shorter then the radar would be way OP as it is. Sometimes you just have to do a little bit of searching just for a player to show up since it is TTT after all.


I can agree that I find it some what annoying that the radar also shows up on your traitor buddies along with the red ring, not sure if there's a way to remove that.


Also radar as a detective is useless, i'd rather have it deleted from the detective menu... Whenever a detectives buys it its mostly accidentally


The only reason I find a detective using a radar is to figure out who's still alive and who isn't. For example, if someone on the radar "disappears" the detective can investigate and see if someone was killed or not. Also kind of useful when the alive population starts to dwindle down.

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The only reason I find a detective using a radar is to figure out who's still alive and who isn't. For example, if someone on the radar "disappears" the detective can investigate and see if someone was killed or not. Also kind of useful when the alive population starts to dwindle down.


Hmm true, don't see it being used like that much. Honestly never used it like that myself, thx for that tip ^^

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I honestly think the radar as it is is fine. Sure on some larger maps it doesn't work as well but if the range was greater and/or the interval was shorter then the radar would be way OP as it is. Sometimes you just have to do a little bit of searching just for a player to show up since it is TTT after all.


I can agree that I find it some what annoying that the radar also shows up on your traitor buddies along with the red ring, not sure if there's a way to remove that.


The only reason I find a detective using a radar is to figure out who's still alive and who isn't. For example, if someone on the radar "disappears" the detective can investigate and see if someone was killed or not. Also kind of useful when the alive population starts to dwindle down.


Like Leon said, the radars fine. People say it doesn't work because it doesn't cover the whole map usually. The point of being a T is to move around and kill people, not to just stand around and rely on radar. The intervals on which the rings appear balances it because it would kinda be too op to know where they are at all time.


I don't see much of a problem with rings matching up with your T partner although it is kind of useless because you already have a ring on your traitor partner at all times.

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One thing I've noticed is that the radar will sometimes say people are somewhere where they aren't. Like for instance, I was a T with radar, and there was two other people alive, both innos. I kept seeing 3 green circles and ended up chasing the fake one for a while lol. This doesn't happen everytime but I've definetly noticed it.

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Also radar as a detective is useless, i'd rather have it deleted from the detective menu... Whenever a detectives buys it its mostly accidentally


Wat. It's super handy, and is the second thing I buy after Kevlar. Usually, I buy it late game, when theres under 5 total people alive, and it keeps that awkward "are we the only two people left?" situation from coming up. It also tells you who saw what when it happened, and can give away a whole group of Traitors at once.

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