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Who Got Banned and Why

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On 7/8/2023 at 6:54 PM, Dominic said:










I wanted to take a few days and think on if I should respond to this publicly, and I decided that I probably should. A few things drove me to this decision...it's come up a few times in Discord (both public and then in the private staff) about Bom basically trying to 'play' people and talk shit about them behind their back, but do this to multiple people at the same time. I've read about probably 7 or 8 people so far this has happened to, including situations where Bom would talk shit about 'Person A' to 'Person B',  while also talking shit about 'Person B' to 'Person A'...like simultaneously. Additionally, while I don't give a shit about most of what is in here, there are two allegations in here I do want to address, because some new people may read this and think there's merit here. I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression and subsequently feel uncomfortable, especially while we're working hard to get the community population back up. While I'm not going to respond to most of what is in here, I wanted to respond publicly about the 'dick pic & ban' and 'defend a known pedophile' allegations. I didn't think it warranted a whole new thread, but I did want to just get something out there. I had to take a few days as well, to generally reflect on the allegations and make sure I'm not taking crazy pills and forgetting something. I'm gonna choose my words very carefully here, because while I have no problem putting Bom on blast for shit I know about him, I don't want some other people to have their laundry aired just because a man-child got mad on the internet. Bom choosing sexual allegations is hilarious to me - one of those 'cock pot calling the kettle black' type of situations.


Dick pic & ban:


The notion that at any point in time I sought out new women, sent them a dick pic, and then banned them if they get upset is beyond absurd lol. A few friends (at the time) had a running joke where they'd tag me in Introduction Threads of women who just joined the community. No more serious than the  joke about playing PayDay 2 with me to get promoted. I've never "slid in DM's" of any woman here, ever lol. There have absolutely been times where I've flirted or had a relationship that's slightly more than 'internet friends', but this has always been legal, consensual, and not under any type of quid pro quo to get promoted or something. I'll wait for reference to any specific instance of where I've sent someone a dick pic, let alone subsequently banned them for it afterwards. The closest thing to something like this, that I can think of, was in 2016 when I matched with a woman on Tinder who ironically already had an account here at SG and played on the servers. That whole thing didn't end up working out, and I banned her out of anger / being butthurt or whatever. While she did technically break the racism rules...often...it was me just being petty. Definitely was a childish decision for me to make, but thankfully I try and choose good VP's who can tell me when I'm doing something wrong or bad or whatever. I was 22, lashed out, and made a dumb decision that I apologized to her for, and we have a pretty good friendship to this day and talk fairly often. No, she has never seen my dick lol. 


Defending a known pedophile:


Actual pedophilia is probably the most serious accusation someone can make on here. A lot of people like to grab their pitchforks and torches the second that someone makes an actual allegation of that, but obviously we have to investigate and find if there is merit, let alone proof. There are two situations I can think of that he's talking about. One is drama between an ex couple that met on SG, and was drama associated with their breakup. I'm sort of guessing when this started...maybe back in 2015 ~ ish, but carried for years. A lot of people here simped for the woman and believed pretty much everything she said, without question. There was never any proof and was basically denied by the guy, but he got dragged (and still gets dragged, apparently) for the whole thing. This became so crazy that we had an actual AO get striked, demoted, and then permed because he admittedly fell in love with her and was trying to make the guy's life harder than it needed to be. The ex couple were both higher ups and it was extremely fucking awkward being in meetings alone with them, but nothing ever came out of all this that was anything close to proof. It should be pretty obvious why I'm not going to go around banning people off of accusations. 


The other situation was the closest thing to actual pedophilia we've had on here. There was a gay male admin that was extremely popular here. He may have been a CA, I don't remember. He was somewhere around 17-19, and we had allegations he was being flirtatious in the servers with young boys, ballparking around 13. Pretty serious allegations. We dug through server logs and had some steam DM's, but never found much on the servers that would stick out as like 'oh yeah they're definitely e-fucking!'. Steam DM's we take with an extreme grain of salt - anybody can (and it has happened here before) fake a steam DM. In 10 minutes, anyone can make an alt steam account, match the picture and name of the person being accused, and pretty much fake whatever they want. I actually leaned a LOT heavier towards the ban vs not banning, and this drove a HUGE rift between me and the VP at the time, because he felt like there just wasn't enough proof and he was friends with the guy. For obvious legal, moral, and ethical reasons, I can't have pedophilia occurring here lol. There's a lot that goes into this though - the vast majority of the world does not have a set law of 18 with no ifs, ands, or buts (including the United States). Obviously, 13 & 19 is not the same as 18 & 17 or something like that. (We've actually had situations of underage women send pics or be overly sexual here to underage guys, which again, still can't happen.) We ended up getting text messages that were allegedly between the admin and the kid on here. We talked with both of them and it was admitted, eventually, from the CA. I banned him soon after and reported him to an FBI cyber division with the proof we had. I never heard back from them, so I have no idea if anything ever happened.


Anyways, that's my take on the Bom accusations. Additionally, Poke and Scrolls were both permed after this, Scrolls for saying something to the tune of 'I know your post got deleted Bom, but +1' and Poke for liking Scrolls' post. While we certainly don't want to set the trend of banning people for liking posts, we were in the middle of discussing Poke's Discord Ban and what we're going to do with his rank as LG. Ultimately, we decided to just issue perms on both of them. We're tired of dealing with GG lol, plain and simple. I don't know almost anyone in that group and haven't had to deal with this whole GG situation as long as a lot of other higher ups have because I was AFK awhile, but I'm already tired of it after just being active again for a few months. It's constant discussions, and none of them recognize what they're doing as wrong, at all. They play the 'well I haven't been warned for this SPECIFIC thing' game, and none of us are interested in doing it anymore. I don't lose sleep over them, but I don't want to ban anyone; I hate having to do it and wish it didn't have to come to it, but they were just not understanding how to not be dicks to random people. SG's Discord, servers, nor forums are the place to go on and fuck with random people when you want a laugh, especially when we're trying extremely hard to build our community back. Someone once said a great line to a previous owner of SG who would come back on and spread negativity, and it was something along the lines of "Your attitude here is not helpful and will no longer be tolerated." I don't see any of the GG guys ever getting unbanned, but who knows. 

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"Free Poke!"

*same group makes female alts and adds me to try and get my dick pics*


You guys are weird as fuck lol. I don't really care, but it's just going to make me instantly reject any and all appeals at any point in time, ever. I know we have a 6 month unban thingy: don't bother appealing.


I don't care if you're an LG, a reg, an SA, etc. The first thing that happens is it gets asked in the higher up channels if you're a member of GG or a known nuisance. Plenty of people are in there and screen shot your chats @gween. If it's a yes and you're being a douchebag in general, it's an instant perm and we'll discuss how to go from there. I am legitimately trying to get this across as plainly as it could possibly be:


If you are a known associate of GG, at any rank: LG, SA, etc., you are instantaneously being permed when you cross the line. We. Are. Going. To. Perm. You. We're done. Some of you LG's are trolling the Discord and getting pretty close to that line. This is the warning, as opposed to me just banning you today for posting dumb shit. Stop posting racism, stop trolling members, etc. Instant perms are going to be handed out. Also @BoMGG don't like you dude, stop dick riding. All of them shit talk you. Stop talking shit about people while pretending to be their friend. "If I don't like a [dude], I don't pretend to." - Curtis Jackson. I encourage you to get some fucking therapy dude; everyone can benefit from it, and maybe it'll stop you from trying to make kids 10 years younger than you like you. And stop calling me ugly when you tell your ex you want to blow me bro. You're getting me jealous big homie, more than the guy from SG you met up with and got fucked by.


I'm gonna predict how this plays out:


GG LG's: *gets warned*

GG LG's: *ignores warning* 

GG LG's: *gets banned*


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In case anyone thinks Caution is exaggerating about these people genuinely not believing they did anything wrong, or them thinking there needs to be a specific rule they're breaking in order for us to punish them. Both of the people above have been apart of Internal Affairs in the past by the way. If this were brought to them back then, they'd undoubtedly agree with the rest of the AO / BD team and say it's a dumb argument. That is NOT how things work, have ever worked, or will ever work. We do what's in the best interest of the community. We're not gonna watch you call a guy a retard that just joined the Discord and go 'oh.. well.. I guess it's not against the rules!' - that is not how the real world works, that is not how SG works. And for the sake of transparency, my response to Poke's message was 'I don't give a flying fuck', because at this point I genuinely can't tell if they're just trying to get a rise out of us or if they've actually convinced themselves that what they're saying has merit.


I just wanna work on game servers and maintain my community man. Please go find something else to entertain yourselves with.

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Dominic, eXtr3m3 and I just had a crazy 8am thought and figured it would be absolutely hilarious to unban every member of GG and keep BoM banned forever. So Chad, Scrolls, Creten, Rygor, Arctic, JMC, Poke, Steel and Janitor are all unbanned off of everything. Just to be clear, any further infractions from any of you will result in your ban being immediately reinstated. There won't be a WGBAW post, we won't answer your DMs or entertain your appeals - nothing. You will just be thrown out again and we'll act like we never unbanned you in the first place. We want to make it extremely clear that there won't be warnings, you will just be permed.
@BoMfight me for charity and ill unban you whether it's win, lose, or draw
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Kofi has been permanently banned for 'general unwanted behavior'. If you're curious as to what type of behavior I'm referring to, it mostly consists of coming on Prison Break and acting in the most detrimental way to the game that he possibly can without officially 'breaking a rule'. News flash - I don't give a fuck if it's written in the rules. If you're a detriment to the community or the server, you'll be banned. Kofi consistently kills the population of Prison Break and when I was told today about him doing it again, I considered being lenient and giving him a month off. However, after further research into him - there is literally not a single drop of positive sentiment about him that has ever been shared. There are 62 results in the staff Discord with his name and all of them are about him breaking rules, being an extreme nuisance for the admins, and overall being a terrible contributor to this community - spanning 3 years. You may recall most recently that he made an admin application using ChatGPT, and prior to that he was also permanently banned off of our Discord for posting racist content.


There is absolutely no situation where I allow him back into the community while I'm here, this is clearly a long time coming and it's obvious that it was simply a matter of no one catching on.

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Deweese has been permanently banned for racism. I wanted to take this time to specify that regardless of if you are shitposting ironically, continually sharing racist 'memes' in the discord, spraying racist sprays in the server, and referencing racist dogwhistles is not part of what SG is about. We are a gaming community first and although politics discussion has always been a part of SG, it's important to separate what is political and what is purely racist. Hopping on TTT and referencing things like 13/52 just breeds racist toxicity we have no interest in allowing. It does not matter if you are joking or not, we have zero tolerance for this behavior and have a vested interest in keeping this community inclusive for people of all races. We hope this serves as a reminder to people that this behavior is not going to be tolerated.

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