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Do you want the push-back that zombies get when knifed by humans to be removed?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the push-back that zombies get when knifed by humans to be removed?

    • Yes, remove it completely.
    • No, don't touch it.
    • No, but lower how far it pushes you back.

ZE - Remove Zombie knifed Pushback

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The pushback that zombies get when knifed by humans is kinda pointless in my eyes. All i really see it doing is causing trouble, from ruining rounds at the start to boosting zombies to the end of the map. If it is possible, I would like to see it removed, as it doesn't provide much benefit, and overall will just cause people to get mad/frusterated since it's almost never used for its intended purpose; to keep zombies away from the group of humans and delay the zombies from advancing.

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It's all defined per weapon in a txt file, so it's all seperate. However, i was always a fan of the high knockback as we used to have it that way back in the day, but wouldn't mind lowering it by a bit.

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If anything, the right click knife knockback should be reduced since that does the most amount of knockback. The left click one is fine in my eyes IMO.


Agreed, mouse 1 pushes the zombie just few steps away, I think solid meant the mouse 2 one.

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I've seen a zombie been knifed correctly about 1/50th of the time. They're usually just knifed ahead of everyone and easy kills for them. It would also stop someone from being able to knife zombies at a human hold point (for example, the area on surf_facility with the four hanging platforms and the middle one, you just stand behind where they fall and knife)


Take out or severely reduce the distance. It IS a knife after-all, not a high-powered shotgun

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we should lower the weapon pushback to 6, as the current weapon knockback is too overpowered. The high knockback of weapons has been complained by a lot of decent players, so as the grenades. Is it even possible to nerf the knockback of grenades? The current grenade is able to knock a zombie back from the giant door after sewers in pirates all the way to the wooden bridge, which is extremely unfair for zombies. Another thing is that we should increase the amount of starting zombies from 3 to maybe 5 or 6, which makes it harder for humans since the current settings on the server is too human-sided.

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we should lower the weapon pushback to 6, as the current weapon knockback is too overpowered. The high knockback of weapons has been complained by a lot of decent players, so as the grenades. Is it even possible to nerf the knockback of grenades? The current grenade is able to knock a zombie back from the giant door after sewers in pirates all the way to the wooden bridge, which is extremely unfair for zombies. Another thing is that we should increase the amount of starting zombies from 3 to maybe 5 or 6, which makes it harder for humans since the current settings on the server is too human-sided.


I do agree with the points you made but this is SG ZE after all.. :bird: The amount of door huggers makes the nades superb tools for fending off the zombies especially when it's less than ten players alive.

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