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Do you want the push-back that zombies get when knifed by humans to be removed?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the push-back that zombies get when knifed by humans to be removed?

    • Yes, remove it completely.
    • No, don't touch it.
    • No, but lower how far it pushes you back.

ZE - Remove Zombie knifed Pushback

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There's a fairly high risk of being infected when trying to knife a zombie. I've found myself in situations whereas I got teleported along with the zombies, simply because I was over defending. I then still managed to reunite with the rest of the CT's because I started knifing the zombies backwards as I ran through them, making the knife pushback somewhat useful in situations like these. I don't necessarily think the pushback needs to be adjusted, but if that's what the majority wants then I'd agree with @Leon Mordecai about adjusting the right click only, and leaving the left click as it is.

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  Paralyzed said:
There's a fairly high risk of being infected when trying to knife a zombie. I've found myself in situations whereas I got teleported along with the zombies, simply because I was over defending. I then still managed to reunite with the rest of the CT's because I started knifing the zombies backwards as I ran through them, making the knife pushback somewhat useful in situations like these.


Yeah Ive been in plenty of those situations and if it wasnt for being able to knife zombies away, I would have been a zombie many times. I would rather have it reduced slighty before I would ever say take it out.

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I say lower / remove it entirely as most of the time its used to teamkill, intentionally or otherwise. If anything I would rather it do something like 5-10k damage instead so you can (possibly) get an insta-kill with the risk of getting infected.

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  Agent Wesker said:
I say lower / remove it entirely as most of the time its used to teamkill, intentionally or otherwise. If anything I would rather it do something like 5-10k damage instead so you can (possibly) get an insta-kill with the risk of getting infected.


That's like saying "We should remove incendiaries from TTT because they can, and often are used to RDM" or "We should remove the AWP because you can send zombies flying forward with it"

Just because something CAN be used to break the rules doesn't mean we should remove it. It's the job of the admins to watch the people who are breaking the rules and punish accordingly.

I've used the knife pushback to send zombies flying back multiple times, and the amount of times I've seen people use it to save themselves or hold back one or two zombies FAR outweighs the amount of times I've seen people intentionally teamkill with it.

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Not only is it mostly for teamkilling but to me its also really silly that knife is so powerful. I'm not sure but I think it also gives zombie vs human advantage to lower ping. Myself at usually around 130 ping don't think that should be a thing.


I say remove knockback and knife should never be used.

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As the the forum-active players of ZE are a vast minority I would highly recommend to ask around on the server a couple of times what the general gaming population there thinks. It's not uncommon that the general opinions between forum members and none-forum members on ZE have a big difference in opinion regarding the game mechanics of ZE. Personally I am against reducing the pushback on the knife as it is and always has been something big and funny of ZE. Yes, it can be used to TK with. But that's just like Kurohime said. It's like removing incendiary grenades from TTT as it's often used to RDM.


But if it would turn out a true majority of ZE actually DO want to nerf it, then by all means do it. I am a huge fan of picking the most popular opinion.

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I recommend changing the knockback down to 75%-80% of what it currently is now but add a bonus effect where the zombie cannot knife for roughly 2 seconds and cannot be knifed additionally for 5 seconds allowing players to react to the pushed zombie by either pinning it to a corner ot shooting it off the edge.


Not sure if its feasible through coding since it sounds like a lot of work to remove knife knockback on zombie for a while and adding the anti-knife effect

Edited by Inception
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  Agent Wesker said:
If anything I would rather it do something like 5-10k damage instead so you can (possibly) get an insta-kill with the risk of getting infected.


I could actually dig this, like you are cutting their head of in a way, so it seems to make more sense. Lower the knockback and increase the damage.

Edited by Carter
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