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[Rank Suggestion] Reintroduce Mapping on SG

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During a chat I had with @Punky yesterday, we came to the conclusion that SG needs more mapping again.


Currently the mapping part of SG is pretty much dead...There are just a few mappers and even less experienced mappers.:shocked::shocked:




1. non existend long time motivation to map for SG


2. zero appeal to start mapping within the community


3. zero reasons to join SG as experienced mapper


4. completely outdated mapping forum



Over the last few years, mapping changed....Players got higher standards(e.g level system, items on ZE) and mapping takes way more time and experience than a few years ago.



Possible solutions:


1. reintroduce a Mapper Rank to guarantee longime motivation


2. appoint someone who is in charge of revamping/updating the modding forum part(probably Community Advisors who know mapping @Agent Wesker @Stunningjam @Leon Mordecai)


3. create rewards for writing mapping guides/tutorials


4. create rewards for players, who start mapping within SG



Mapping is such an important part of Counter Strike and it would be a waste to let is stay on SG like it currently is... :help::help::help:

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I love this idea as a new map maker. My first map is so basic that more post on ideas to add to your map would help greatly.


I haven't worked on my map for a week and yet it still needs a lot of work. (Mostly because I still haven't gotten the files copied over to my computer :bird:) I hope to get back to it and get some inspiration.

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Possible solutions:


1. reintroduce a Mapper Rank to guarantee longime motivation


2. appoint someone who is in charge of revamping/updating the modding forum part(probably Community Advisors who know mapping @Agent Wesker @Stunningjam @Leon Mordecai)


3. create rewards for writing mapping guides/tutorials


4. create rewards for players, who start mapping within SG


1. I wouldn't mind seeing a revamp of a better looking mapper forum award (or even all the awards at least) or even some sort of special in-game item for mappers like a skin or hat or something.


2. I'm confused what you mean by this, like reformatting and/or redesigning that section of the forum? Or having someone dedicated to monitoring and promoting that section? (Probably not me since I am actually not that good in mapping as you think I am xd).


3 & 4. Was thinking more of a contest with prizes so that it motivates mappers to actually create good maps. Maybe a Christmas mapping contest or something since I remember us CA+ had a discussion about doing something like that. @XeNo mentioned something about this too before.

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I have an idea that I got from reddit. (Couldn't find the reddit post)


Lets do some thing like shoiep was doing with the MS Paint Adventures. Where people post what they what on the map. Every time some has an idea they post it and who ever is making the map will put that into the map.


I would be willing to make the map, but if anyone else wants to we can work something out.

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I think this could definitely be used again, but you should have to pass some kind of test.


Maybe create a map and have it judged by SG's more weathered SDK users.


Personally I think it'd be awesome for the servers to get some of our own maps up on the servers, we could also release them and get some practically free advertising for the servers for months if not years. Having a team for it would create the environment for the gears to actually start turning.




(this idea would be 1000 times cooler if SDK had some realtime editing that you could do with people kind of like Garrys Mod)

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Make SG (mappers) great again!


:lenny: MAPPER RANK OR RIOT :lenny:


2. I'm confused what you mean by this, like reformatting and/or redesigning that section of the forum? Or having someone dedicated to monitoring and promoting that section? (Probably not me since I am actually not that good in mapping as you think I am xd).


I was thinking about just re-organizing that section. Currently it´s just a mess. The only sections that are even usefull and make sense are WIP and tutorials.


A person in charge would be needed for planning that re-organization. (e.g Wesker is in charge and asks punky and me to write a guide about entities)

And of course once those plans are executed, someone should probably be in charge to monitor/promote that section etc...

I don´t know much of your mapping skills, but you spent 320 hours on SDK...:hand:


3&4. Was thinking more of a contest with prizes so that it motivates mappers to actually create good maps. Maybe a Christmas mapping contest or something since I remember us CA+ had a discussion about doing something like that.


Good point for 4 though....but creating a contest without having a working mapping community part doesnt work... 3 needs to be something different...writing tutorials for certain topics takes a lot of time and needs to be rewarded


I think this could definitely be used again, but you should have to pass some kind of test.


Maybe create a map and have it judged by SG's more weathered SDK users.



This 100%... Probably 2 mapper ranks(mapper/advanced mapper)...even more motivation for players to get better with SDK and create maps for SG.

Edited by MrMuesli
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