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[Rank Suggestion] Reintroduce Mapping on SG

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Simple, instead of a rank. Give them one of those reward things below your avatar.


Ex.) Map Maker.

Its orange or yellow with some symbol on it.



Map making takes time and dedication and if the player wants to make a map then props to them but I don't think they should get anything more than a regular member or a subscriber.


The only thing I could think of would be a cool cosmetic item in the !store


You mean this? Lol https://gyazo.com/62f23efef406f70f3b3736fc8d60b5bc

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When you compare us to almost any other community, we have an incredibly simple hierarchy structure. Most of the communities I see have ranks for every possible little thing. The problem is not only that it looks cluttered, but also the amount of time behind creating a rank. Creating a rank usually is not simply 'give them a name and a color', but usually requires hours of discussions and multiple forum threads, ranging from here in public, the CA section, the AO section, and all the way up to the BD section. Do they get extra server abilities? Extra forum abilities? What do we allow them to do? All these questions may not apply to this specific rank suggestion, but hopefully kind of clears up why we usually avoid just creating ranks to honor a few select people that don't actually hold any extra powers or access rights.


I'm not against rewarding people or giving people recognition, but I don't think creating a rank solely for mappers is the right way to go at this time. We'll probably be bringing this up at our next meeting, so thank you for bringing this to our attention.


This was discussed in a meeting between the higher ups and for the reasons that Caution has listed above, they have come to a conclusion that this will not be happening.

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