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Chance to disable custom viewmodels?

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Viewmodels as in when you are holding guns and you are looking at your arms, I believe. I don't think you can disable them though.


Yes, I believe you can disable those completely/make them look really small. The thing that confused me was how he wrote the post and what section it's in, seeing as it has nothing to do with our servers.

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What's wrong with the current playermodels?


I understand this, sometimes they get very annoying. At times you can mix up what team the specific skin is on. Sometimes people just don't like custom models and would prefer no models on. I'm actually all for this but I'm not sure if it's possible to disable client sided.

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I understand this, sometimes they get very annoying. At times you can mix up what team the specific skin is on. Sometimes people just don't like custom models and would prefer no models on. I'm actually all for this but I'm not sure if it's possible to disable client sided.


Do you mean you wish to remove all custom playermodels?


I'm confused, which server is this for?

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