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Let me start this by saying this post has nothing to do with anyone/anything specifically nor is it because I solely think the wrong person might get their hands on SA. I asked many people about making this post and though I think it may spark controversy I really hope we could get some genuine criticisms and solutions to the current system and see some improvements.





Admin applications have created a giant rift in the community recently in attitude, opinion and has created so much unnecessary separation due to its extremely controversial nature. Undeniably in the last 6 months the servers have seen a clear upwards draft in people trying to get admin for the complete wrong reasons and for the most part this has been thwarted by everyone but it still remains as an issue. People have been regurgitating the same shit out of what seems like either laziness or dick sucking and the public nature of the applications has promoted people to bandwagon and pick and choose ideas instead of being an individual. One of my main concerns is that due to the somewhat detachment of AO, and BD's from the servers people will simply manipulative and act their way to admin for months while people struggle to get a hold on who someone actually is. By the time someone gets SA it may take weeks or months to realize that they've been doing things wrong such as banning for petty or otherwise bullshit reasons while they could overall make SG a less enjoyable place to be. I'm basically saying that peoples admin applications should not be decided off of the first page of posts (which go ahead and check because statistically its genuinely a real thing) and I'm honestly tired of watching people fall in line behind straw man arguments and clear personal biases because they're too afraid to try to think outside the box. Recommendations while they're nice have, has turned mostly into a friends helping out friends system which again brings me back to the point that people that act for a few weeks/months can quite easily climb ranks on SG. To say that this system promotes manipulation would be an overstatement, but to say that it's definitely become something to be concerned about is just a fucking fact. In my personal experience on SG many moons ago I think the BD's selected the best staff for the community and although that system worked well I think it would be horrible if implemented now. Most of the AO's and BD's are not active enough on the servers to get a clear read on someone to make the SOLE DECISION to give them SA, which is for the most part why I think quality community input is important.


Now, while the paragraph above this may seem like me being a little bitch and just trying to shit all over the system unnecessarily, I'm about to provide to you some genuine solutions to the problems SG is having.





  • Increase the time for people to apply to 6 months to allow the ENTIRE community to get a good handle on their pros and cons. This would stop people from running around acting fake and nice for 6 months and let everyone get a good read on how that person actually acts. I'd say an increase to 6 months would probably stop 50% of the people who are getting admin for the vanity and don't care about SG or it's players.
  • Don't allow Mems, Regs, SAs, CAs, to see everyone's posts on applications. This will prevent people from feeling nervous about maybe saying something negative about their friend while still leaving a system where people are supposed to put forth their personal experience. This would also would stop my previously mentioned issue with people simply regurgitating something someone else has already said out of pure laziness or for lack of a better word. Dicksucking. I'm not entirely sure whether the forums has the foundation to facilitate a system like this but if it could be done that would be terrific.
  • Remove the 100 post requirement (or lower it) because there is actually a lot of players on the servers who dislike the forums and just want to help out the servers. While posts on the forums helps gauge someones critical thinking and personality I think it shouldn't be a requirement and should be treated more like an accolade. This will also stop people from spamming the forums with shit posts constantly.
  • If all else fails, leave the decisions solely up to SA+ in a private section on the forums.


My solutions and arguments may not be 100% bulletproof points but that's why this is a Forum, just as we need hard thought genuine opinions voting on Admin Applications that's what I need from you here. Anyway I just thought about making this thread this morning, asked around and decided that there is definitely enough people interested to get a discussion going.


Shoutout to Lil Dicky for helping me bump while writing this post.

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I've always felt the same thing with regards to the system but it's one that the community has had far in the past and they brought it back after it has changed over time. More often than not, I think about the ways in which we could improve it, but most of the viable options have their own cons. For instance, letting SA+ be the group of people to decide who the next administrator will limit the entirety of the community to voice their opinion, especially the regulars such as myself and others. It's an extremely complicated system that is difficult to tinker with and perhaps we should wait for our next community meeting to discuss this issue in more detail: Find the best way in which we could determine if an individual is deserving of admin or not, in a non-biased manner.

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Most of your solutions have been tried in the past... People complained about that system too. It doesn't matter what the higher ups do. you can never satisfy 100% of the community because people will always bitch about something.


As far as I know, none of these solutions have been tried under the community's opinion under the same circumstances. It's not about 100% satisfying the community, it's about creating a system that doesn't lead to drama and discourage good regulars from applying for SA.

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I've always felt the same thing with regards to the system but it's one that the community has had far in the past and they brought it back after it has changed over time. More often than not, I think about the manner in which we could improve it, but most of the viable options have their own cons. For instance, letting SA+ be the group of people to decide who the next administrator will limit the entirety of the community to voice their opinion, especially the regulars such as myself and others. It's an extremely complicated system that is difficult to tinker with and perhaps we should wait for our next community meeting to discuss this issue in more detail: Find the best way in which we could determine if an individual is deserving of admin or not, in a non-biased manner.


Who is better to judge the guy applying then the people that have been spending the most time with him? I understand if you don't allow for the people to vote abstain cause I haven't had any interactions with him. But don't cut out the community as a whole.

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Who is better to judge the guy applying then the people that have been spending the most time with him? I understand if you don't allow for the people to vote abstain cause I haven't had any interactions with him. But don't cut out the community as a whole.


That's the exact point that I'm making lol

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Who is better to judge the guy applying then the people that have been spending the most time with him? I understand if you don't allow for the people to vote abstain cause I haven't had any interactions with him. But don't cut out the community as a whole.


Many applicants may spend time with certain people to build up supports by acting fake, I don't want to cut out the community as a whole but to prevent them from making silly or insincere posts. The communities opinion is without a doubt extremely important in my mind.

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I think hiding other posts would be a great idea. Many just lazily write "this^" (don't feel bad, no one is to blame for that) and/or giving fake/shitty reasons to support since "the majority voted support, ima be cool too". I don't see any downsides to this. People will have to give GOOD reasons to vote, cause I don't see a quoted "this" post as valuable as the guy who wrote it all, who gave the initial feedback.

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Yes, I completely agree with @RouxQuiDecalisse on this. I feel like if at the beginning of an admin app a lot of people vote abstain/reapply, most people are going to follow through with that and use the "this ^", or maybe those posts will effect their opinions just on what others said. If it was implemented so that nobody but the applicant and the BDs could see the responses, I feel like people would more so express their opinions on whether or not the applicant should get SA or not.

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Honestly, I want to see other people's posts. Especially on certain apps as of recently, when seeing someone post shit that's absolutely absurd to be holding against people. People should be allowed to call out on that shit, and some of us here actually are capable of doing so without devolving the application into a pissing match between two people.

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