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Looking for new desktop build tips

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Is this just going to be used for gaming? Are you trying to play at 1080p, 1440p, or ultrawide? How important is overclocking to you? Do you already have an OS? Any peripherals you need like keyboard, or non-essential parts you'd like to have such as an optical drive? Any parts you can salvage from another machine?

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Is this just going to be used for gaming? Are you trying to play at 1080p, 1440p, or ultrawide? How important is overclocking to you? Do you already have an OS? Any peripherals you need like keyboard, or non-essential parts you'd like to have such as an optical drive? Any parts you can salvage from another machine?


Basically mostly gaming, but also compiling source maps (this takes 100% cpu) I play Full HD. Overlocking is not that important since I won't be playing AAA games. Mostly wow or csgo, but ofc I want to play it maxed at good fps. I have everything other, just need the working tower. I'm using SSD, HDD, optical, and if I can card reader from old tower.

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  • Content Count:  202
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Basically mostly gaming, but also compiling source maps (this takes 100% cpu) I play Full HD. Overlocking is not that important since I won't be playing AAA games. Mostly wow or csgo, but ofc I want to play it maxed at good fps. I have everything other, just need the working tower. I'm using SSD, HDD, optical, and if I can card reader from old tower.


Alright. So considering the things you already have taken care of, here is a list I made

You didn't mention anything about OS so if you still need that this might bring you over budget. Some things to note here compared to the list you posted: Better GPU, better CPU, much much MUCH better PSU which is super super important and is often overlooked, near identical motherboards except the one i chose is cheaper and more versatile (can accept a wider array of RAM for future upgrading), however there are 2 less SATA 6 in it so if that matters to you then that's something to consider.


If you're really set on getting an NVIDIA GPU then by all means, but for a few bucks more the RX 470 is much better then a 1050. I'm not an AMD fanboy either, in fact I'd much rather have NVIDIA, but when you're on a budget you have to make due with the best options available.

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