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Ghost Option

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When you die on like ttt or JB, u have the choice to re spawn in, as a ghost that is only visible to other dead players, you get to move across the map as a normal player would, but you can't be seen by live players, will go right through live players like a ghost would, so you dont impact there game play. '


Saw this on a tf2 server a couple eons ago, and thought it was pretty cool. Could see the issues it would have tho

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If we were going to implement this I would suggest going a step further and doing what a lot of gmod servers do (if it's even possible in cs:go) which is once you die you spawn in as a 'ghost' like you said, but can opt in to join the other ghosts in a FFA death match until the round is over. This would be completely optional for those who would rather just spectate.

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Why not just hit your space bar twice and go around like that? True it would be cool to be able to see other spectators but adding a whole new thing on retro's to-do list

seems like a waste if you already have the option in game.


I asked that exact thing and he answered above your post


Well you wouldn't auto go through walls like u could in spec, u would play like a normal player, and only go through a wall if selected the option to. But yea a lot of work for nothing :p


And I guess there are a few more features, but it still seems like a little too much work and not a whole lot in return.

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The only reason for this to be a good idea is if you would implement something for the dead people to do while they wait for the next round like @Ham said a FFA Deathmatch for the dead players/spectators who want to opt in. Other than that, it's not really that great of an idea to just make a plugin simply for what you originally stated.

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While I can't officially speak for TTT, it's a no for JB. To my knowledge there isn't a plugin for it at this time, and even then I wouldn't add it since, as already established, it's pretty pointless and just opens the possibility of unnecessary technical issues. And speaking personally since the decision for ttt is up to @arottenpickle and @SL4DE , I don't see a reason for it to be added to ttt either. Gmod did have the ability to possess props and was a lot of fun, but iirc @R3TROATTACK said before it wasn't possible in csgo.


Just going to mark it as rejected based on those reasons, but if pickle and slade do want to add it to ttt or look into it, they can change it to reviewing or accepted.

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This idea reminds me of TF2 servers that allowed you to fly around as a literal ghost and watch other players until the round was over. All the dead players would do is try to distract alive players, and obstruct their view. As I said in a previous thread: Dead men tell no tales, and they should definitely NOT be interacting with live players.


However, what you're suggesting is a ghost that only interacts with dead players. It's a neat idea, and would be fun, but it is unnecessary, and would be a pain in the ass to implement properly.

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