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SG Unturned Server

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Wolf is probably right. I think it just depends on how much the cost of an unturned server is... Although, I'd be up for it if the higher ups are interested.


Pretty sure you can get Unturned servers for like a dollar a slot. It'd also probably be decently populated.

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If you guys can fund it and the higher up agrees to it, then we will have an unturned server. (although the game itself wasn't that fun in my opnion)


Dont u think u may just be bad at the game l a m o e s k d e e ?

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I would be up for a change of pace in my daily gaming, I support this idea and depending on how much running a server costs I could pitch in.




Why wasn't the minecraft server populated??


The same reason casual/Deathmatch is rarely populated, Surf is rarely populated, and bhop is rarely populated.

Not only is there not enough of a playerbase that's willing to dedicate time to it, but it's a lot harder to advertise.

TTT has a playerbase of mostly forum regulars, ZE is mostly people that just stumble into the server because it's popular and occasionally stay on the server, and PB is a mix of the above. Surf, Deathmatch, 1v1, bhop, rust, minecraft, et cetera et cetera et cetera, don't have any of that. People come and play for a few days then find a different server, or regulars play it a bunch for a couple weeks then drop it because they get bored.

The same thing would happen with Unturned. If you want to finance a server, feel free, but I highly doubt SG is willing to put much money into a server that wouldn't make them much in return

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The same reason casual/Deathmatch is rarely populated, Surf is rarely populated, and bhop is rarely populated.

Not only is there not enough of a playerbase that's willing to dedicate time to it, but it's a lot harder to advertise.

TTT has a playerbase of mostly forum regulars, ZE is mostly people that just stumble into the server because it's popular and occasionally stay on the server, and PB is a mix of the above. Surf, Deathmatch, 1v1, bhop, rust, minecraft, et cetera et cetera et cetera, don't have any of that. People come and play for a few days then find a different server, or regulars play it a bunch for a couple weeks then drop it because they get bored.

The same thing would happen with Unturned. If you want to finance a server, feel free, but I highly doubt SG is willing to put much money into a server that wouldn't make them much in return


how do you know the same thing will happen with unturned ?

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