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Best Windows OS for gaming/overall?

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  • Content Count:  1193
  • Joined:  06/28/16
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I've gamed on Windows 7, 8, and 10. I've never had any issues with any of them and haven't really noticed a difference between the three other than when Microsoft added the game DVR and locked all my games at 30 FPS. I also did notice after a Windows 10 update, I started getting much lower framerate on CS. I went from a consistent 290-330 on my 960 to 115-130. Not sure why this happened after that update but it didn't make that much of a difference. I now have a 1070 and get around 240 when I should be getting much more. So unless you have a 120Hz monitor or care about having the highest frames above 60 then it shouldn't matter which OS you have. Just stick to which ever OS you like the feel of.

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