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plant growing automation project aka PGAP

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  • Content Count:  1386
  • Joined:  03/02/07
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Hello fellow tech savvy people of steam gamers, I am wanting to start a project with plant growing automation and need the help. seeing as I am a hardware guy I need the assistance of some people who know how to code for the raspberry PI and how to throw together a website to display some information using the PI as a server. My ultimate goal is to have a system that reads tempature with sensors and can turn on/off fans, lights, water pump, when values are higher or lower than the preset value. I would also like to integrate an IP camera and have have all the information (temp, humidity, soil moisture, and camera displayed on a simple webpage and maybe some controls as well for the fans, lights, water pump.). If you are serious about helping me, please contact me and we can work out some sort of compensation for your work. please not that all hardware needed by this project will be funded by me, so there is no cost to you to help out with the project. all coding done by you will be owned by you and I am not interested in obtaining any kind of income from this project, just looking to be able to keep my plants alive seeing as I live in an area where most plants like to die.


thank you for your time.

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