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Carrying Self-Mute over to new maps

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So its always nice to have the ability to self-mute someone who is possibly mic spamming or just being able to mute someone because they may have an annoying voice. I have noticed that sm's do not carry over to the next map or even if they log out and back in. Would it be possible or is it possible to make self-mutes permanent? I tend to get kind of tired of having to re-mute someone every time the map changes or every time they relog. I would use the mute through steam but that does not seem to work for crap.


Edit: Probably should have titled this permanent self-mutes. Also, not sure if this has been discussed before. I would search through the posts but im lazy.

Edited by Carter
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They will eventually un-mute for me through steam too. Maybe try and block communications while at the same time muting them through steam if they are really that annoying and see if that works.


The problem is that if the server is full not everyone is going to show up on the leaderboard

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The problem is that if the server is full not everyone is going to show up on the leaderboard


Yea. That is an issue that I'm not sure can be fixed... I believe you can pause the game, go to community servers and view all the current people on the server and view their profile through there. I'm not positive but I think that works.

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