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Spam, Useless threads, old bumps.. ENOUGH!

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So, I've had enough of people just literally spam posting on forum or starting useless threads over and over again..

So, here is Some things you could consider before you start a thread or post in threads...


1. Don't always start new thread - Instead look around with the 'Search' function that you can locate from top, a little to the right to see if there already is an solution to your issue or if there is a thread already about same matter before you start new one.


2. Check the date/time of when someone has posted something in an thread instead of blindly throwing in comment and get complaints for it - The time of last post you can see in Top-Left of the post


3. DON'T SPAM! Sheesh, instead of just posting "I WAS HERE!"-kind of posts, actually post something relevant / reasonable to the thread..



I just have had enough with spam and browsing through same threads over again because people just can't post something reasonable to the threads :glare:

Edited by Maxwelldon
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Good post Max. Thank you. It's different if it's just making a silly post every so often, but when it's happening ALL the time, it's just not acceptable.

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I'm starting to really get pissed off log each time on forum and find ridiculous posts like these on forums in threads I'd actually want to find something relevant to read;



Donald Trump

I'm all outta rhymes.

- These are replies to this very thread... Shame on you, sheehs.. :sneaky2:




- This kind of replies, ok, just stupid.. At least comment the thread and no, not with just one(1) to three(3) words.. Use a whole sentence instead :glare:

As far as I'm concerned, increase the character MINIMUM of a post to 20 so we don't get just 1-5 word replies..

And as I've mentioned above, I'm annoyed to read useless posts each time I come on forum and want to read something relevant to the threads

Edited by Maxwelldon
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