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7 Days To Die Server Survey!

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I have finished the form and all the stuff associated with it, so if you want to give us some input on how we do this server head over to the form here: http://www.steam-gamers.net/forum/forms.php?do=form&fid=61 You can only submit this once, if you fuck up, you'll make more work for me and I won't be happy.


A few things, we may not go straight into modded stuff right away. We are still figuring out how that all works and what not and may just take longer for those elements to get ready.


We'll try to balance everyone's opinion but we won't be able to make everyone happy.


With this game, we'll get a feel of when we should reset the world. After you get to day 100 things can get a bit bland because you should have good bases by then and not sweating on night 7s.


So with that said, the sooner more people get this survey done, the sooner we'll publicly launch the server.


Thanks everyone!

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Good responses. I've closed the survey. I'm going to compile the data and make some changes.


We are currently going to finish out the "test" world we have been playing on, pretty much until it gets really hard, which may take another week or so. That will give me time to get some of the mods figured out and what nots. If you want to hop on the server, now, you can, its IP is, just be aware we are around day 100 and most people have late game stuff so you'll be a bit behind. We do not have PvP turned on atm so its not like they'll abuse you unless you run into their traps :-P

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I was just wondering, Why are you investing so much time and effort into an 8 slot server?

But SG won't put time and effort into things like Minecraft, Rust Gmod TTT but you're putting a 7 Days to Die server on the dedicated server. It kinda confuses me.

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I was just wondering, Why are you investing so much time and effort into an 8 slot server?

But SG won't put time and effort into things like Minecraft, Rust Gmod TTT but you're putting a 7 Days to Die server on the dedicated server. It kinda confuses me.


Because Minecraft never works out. We have tried countless times and it lasts for a couple weeks.

Rust and Gmod TTT have ready been done. We have many AOs who can run servers.


Rust is out of our hands. Im not explaining it but its up to spiritwinds and his.


7 days is fresh and a nice change.

Simple as that

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I was just wondering, Why are you investing so much time and effort into an 8 slot server?

But SG won't put time and effort into things like Minecraft, Rust Gmod TTT but you're putting a 7 Days to Die server on the dedicated server. It kinda confuses me.


Honestly, I'm not really putting a lot of time and effort into this. Setting up and running this server took me 10 minutes to do maybe? Once I figured out how easy it was to do, I figured lets see how this sucker does. There was 3 people playing before I put the survey out. I honestly didn't expect the turn out that it did. I think there may have been 15 people on my friends list who has the game. Now there is 25.


Frankly, I didn't have high expectations for this server. I was going to be happy if we got through this first iteration of the world. I got to play a little bit of multiplayer version with you guys (I had about 50+ hours just playing by myself). Its nice that people have turned out for this server. It actually has made me think about what it will take to expand it, however, that task will be harder to do than you might think.


As far as the other servers you mentioned, I previously did a similar experiment with Minecraft. I paid for a server out of my own pocket for about 6 months and it was fun for a little while and it died out. Minecraft is a game that SG will not put money into anymore. The game takes quite a bit of resources to run even vanilla well. It isn't cost effective like CS:GO is for instance.


Rust, like I've said in a few recent threads. That's another server instance that is being ran outside the financial influence of SG. Someone has put their own money up to get the server started.


GMod TTT, in the thread on that suggestion, I also recently said that we would not go down that road. The soul reason being is we'd be competing with ourselves. Yeah you guys may say CS:GO TTT isn't the same, while true, the same players are likely to play GMod TTT as well. Its the reason why EU ZE never worked back in the day, its the same reason vanilla and modded TTT never could work together.


Yeah I get that its only an 8 slot server, its not something we are looking to bringing in any one. For myself, it was a fun new kind of server to build and manage (which is one thing I like doing) and for the few of us that plays the game it adds variety to that game which is still in development. My expectations for this server are not high and once people are done with it, I am perfectly content on closing the door on it.

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