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10 Year Anniversary Nostalgia Thread

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  • Content Count:  2833
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I know I'm late to the party and mostly irrelevant, but reading this thread legitimately brought some tears to my eyes. I have a lot of fond memories and demos and screenshots lost to the ethers, but the memories will live on. I can't possibly thank everyone that has made my experience here such a fun part of my life, but I'll try, in no particular order:



@Extreme Potatoes

@Bad Dog







@Bob Loblaw

@Bullet Wound


@Crazy Swede






@Ms. Blargh

@Nuclear Onion






















@Epic Bread Man




@Im a Jackass


@Kappa The 3rd







@Retarded Santa






... and anyone else I have missed. I may not remember now, but I will never forget.


I hope I was able to make as meaningful an impact on you as you have on me. We may not have left on the best of terms, but I hope we can forget the bad and remember the good. It was amazing to see people grow and mature and become their own person as we interacted here. I look back and cherish the moments I've shared with countless people.


All those times on Prison Break punishing the rule breakers; the people who would join and not understand our rules were a big annoyance and a big source of fun. The long-standing debate of block vs no-block. The drinking games. The prank calls. The hype and disappointment that was the Napalm events. The "don't piss off TheVirus in TTT because he'll spawn man hunters and electric balls" times on Roy The Ship. The amazing fun and excitement on new ZE maps. The glitches and the following slays. The constant bickering about to extend the map or not. The love and then hatred of the LOTR maps. The madness that is making rules before cells open. @MPQC and his bullshit mastery of Death Run. The god awful maps that we had to put up with on PB and ZE that half the community loved and the other half hated. The ban appeals and the hilarity within. Minecraft. Trying to get it to work, trying new mods, breaking mods, fixing mods, building random shit, then getting fed up with the griefing. I could go on and on but I'd be here all day.


I'm glad the site is continuing to grow and expand and gather new members. Treasure these memories, they'll always be a source of enjoyment to look back on and remember the fun times.


Is this a list of people who have unfortunately seen your testicles?

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  • Content Count:  11728
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That list is way too long, it's gotta be 90% of the members saw it around the peak.



I only realized they were his testicles when I was told after the fact.

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