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  Four said:
I understand where you are getting at minus, I wouldn't mind if subscribers were able to talk but like I said before if everyone were able to talk it wouldn't work.


But u dont know what could happen , no one will know untill its added, its more predicting what the benefits and disadvantages are. Having subs only be able to talk will still cause regs to yell in the next round. Having subs only doesnt change anything. Like why would we need to Pay to speak while we are dead when TTT its free?

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  Minus said:
I see where you guys are coming from but even when Supporter was around and they could chat with live players while dead, these issues that you guys are saying weren't prominent at all. And this is different completely if it's just dead players talking to dead players. Yeah, people can't complain about getting freekilled while dead on mic to inform an admin, but that seems incredibly minor since people could tell them that they need to type while dead to inform an admin.


I get admins have it tough when it comes to PB, but it's a simple convenience for regular players.


I would say that it wasn't as much of an issue when Supporter was around because it required more investment. While Supporter was a buy once deal, the $20 initial cost was enough to deter many people who didn't want to invest into the community that much. Therefore unless a user was intending on sticking around for a while to get their money's worth, they most likely didn't abuse the perks or do anything to get banned/rank removed.


Meanwhile with Subscriber, it's only $5 dollars and on a monthly basis. For majority of people, $5 is cheap and this causes more people to subscribe. As it is so cheap and on a monthly basis, you don't really need much investment into the community because the initial cost is so low.

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  Gator said:
I would say that it wasn't as much of an issue when Supporter was around because it required more investment. While Supporter was a buy once deal, the $20 initial cost was enough to deter many people who didn't want to invest into the community that much. Therefore unless a user was intending on sticking around for a while to get their money's worth, they most likely didn't abuse the perks or do anything to get banned/rank removed.


Meanwhile with Subscriber, it's only $5 dollars and on a monthly basis. For majority of people, $5 is cheap and this causes more people to subscribe. As it is so cheap and on a monthly basis, you don't really need much investment into the community because the initial cost is so low.


If you're comparing numbers as Supporter vs Subscriber yeah that's the only difference, but I don't think of it as it being a large or meaningful difference since the idea is only for dead players talking to dead players. I'd be completely against the idea if it was talking to live players like Supporter was. Point I was making was that while dead could talk to live people back then, the issues that people are posting against the dead being able to chat weren't a prominent problem when it came to game play or issues, everything still played the same.


Which is honestly what I expect will happen if dead people can talk to dead people, PB will still be very much the same.

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  Minus said:
Which is honestly what I expect will happen if dead people can talk to dead people, PB will still be very much the same.


If it will stay the same, then there shouldn't be a need to change it. I'd only be worried about it if it improved gameplay.


I'm not opposed to it though because tbh I thought it was still enabled.

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I disagree with this being implemented.


This would just end in shit tons of screaming in dead chat which quite frankly I don't want to fucking hear that shit.


TTT has structure that circumvents people RDMing a shit ton while on PB is more structured via. the rules.


TLDR; Prison Break is much more toxic and chaotic than TTT.

Edited by All Ts
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  All Ts said:
I disagree with this being implemented.


This would just end in shit tons of screaming in dead chat which quite frankly I don't want to fucking hear that shit.


TTT has structure that circumvents people RDMing a shit ton while on PB is more structured via. the rules.


TLDR; Prison Break is much more toxic and chaotic than TTT.


This and it would become more difficult to hear what is going on during the round if admins were dead. It's just easier that way.

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Input: I think VC should be a perk for Subs, it's another reason for people to sub therefore benefiting the community. If there are any discrepancies between players using VC and the rules that would apply to dead VC then I'm sure any competent admin could handle it. Back in the day on Source's JB there was no issue with Supporters being able to talk, I get that it was more costly to afford back then meaning it would drive some people to hesitate before contributing but that doesn't mean that most subs now know what it means to be a member of the community and that getting Sub does not give you a "free pass" on any ban. I support this suggestion for at LEAST a trial like we did for Forced Deathgames but only for Subscribers. (I like the trial system.)


I'm glad everyone can agree on the toxicity on JB but taking action against it is too much work for anyone apparently. Hats off to the members who do take their time to deal with that excuse for a server. :^)

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  Ryoku said:
Input: I think VC should be a perk for Subs, it's another reason for people to sub therefore benefiting the community. If there are any discrepancies between players using VC and the rules that would apply to dead VC then I'm sure any competent admin could handle it. Back in the day on Source's JB there was no issue with Supporters being able to talk, I get that it was more costly to afford back then meaning it would drive some people to hesitate before contributing but that doesn't mean that most subs now know what it means to be a member of the community and that getting Sub does not give you a "free pass" on any ban. I support this suggestion for at LEAST a trial like we did for Forced Deathgames but only for Subscribers. (I like the trial system.)


I'm glad everyone can agree on the toxicity on JB but taking action against it is too much work for anyone apparently. Hats off to the members who do take their time to deal with that excuse for a server. :^)


hate to be someone who says this^ but i agree with this and he summed it up perfectly, and some of you people are so quick to ambush someone just for a +1 on your post count lol. Let's have a trial like we did for forced deathgames. =]

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Honestly I can't remember why it was removed from subs in the first place. Subs used to have this along with being able to talk before 4:15, don't agree with that part but for this it doesn't seem so bad. Unless others can tell of bad experiences they had with it when it was a thing, it really wasn't bad at all honestly. Subscribers all used to handle this perk pretty well and I don't remember problems with it.


Of course, the perk must've been removed for a reason and if the screaming was the reason then I think we could still retry it for a bit.


A trial of this being a sub perk wouldn't hurt imo.

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