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Bye Rust, Hello Ark!

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  • Content Count:  1263
  • Joined:  02/07/10
  • Status:  Offline





Rust has Left. Ark has entered the scene!


As many of you have probably noticed, we have removed the Rust server, and replaced it with an Ark:Survival Evolved server! We all had a great time in Rust, however it is time for some change! A big thanks to everyone who helped with the server, played on it, and also recommended changes! I'm sure someday we'll take another look into Rust.





What is Ark?

As a man or woman stranded naked, freezing & starving on a mysterious island, you must hunt, harvest, craft items, grow crops, & build shelters to survive. Use skill & cunning to kill, tame, breed, & ride Dinosaurs & primeval creatures living on ARK!


Is anything unique about our server?

Our Server has been modified to enhance both the PvP and PvE sides of Ark, while also keeping it exciting well into the late game stages! This includes increased gather, faster taming, and a more hostile world in various parts of the island.


Donations and subscriptions!

At this time we sadly do not have any donation or subscriber perks in the server. However, this is one of our upcoming priorities! Be sure and watch both the Subscriber side of the forums, and the Ark side of the forums for updates regarding this!


How can I help?

Ark has an interesting server system, where servers do not show in the list until they've been 'proven'. In order to be proven, we must be online for a certain amount of time, with an average amount of players, before new players will see the server in-game. For the current time, the server will more than likely be limited to SG players and your friends, so get on and start inviting people so the server can grow! With this being a new server, we would also greatly appreciate any feedback on the current settings; after all, this server is for you!


Server Rules:

Our server is 'Noob Friendly'. With it, are a couple rules you may not expect. I'd personally recommend reviewing them. Server Rules.





Buy Ark:Survival Evolved: http://store.steampowered.com/app/346110/

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Edited by Labarr
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