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TTT Traitor Menu Addition

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Fake body identification.


As a T, there should be a thing you could buy where the next body you identify is identified as a traitor when he was an innocent or detective. I don't know if this is possible to make, but I think it would be a good idea for a traitor item :p

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Sound like a great idea to be honest. This item adds benefits for both Traitors and Innos. It's a great way to get away with going on a killing spree and using the "I got a T guys, I'm proven!" excuse. It can also be used by Innos (if they use their brains) if the traitor ID's a Inno body who was proven and it says he is a traitor, or if he ID's a Detective and turns him into a traitor. If the innos keep track of proven innos and detectives they could use this to their advantage as well.


Overall, I think it sounds like a pretty good item.

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Then it would be hell trying to find a traitor. Innos now can't prove themselves because "what if they bought that fancy item that makes the next body they id a t?!?!" and then there would be a heavy reliance on detectives. Also killing a "t" is no longer counted as being proven and counting traitor deaths to the total amount of traitors will not work anymore.


So innos are given more reason not to trust each other in an environment where they already heavily distrust each other.


Traitors causing confusion is nice and all, as that is part of being a traitor, but taking away one of an inno's only tools to trusting other people and finding traitors is basicly giving traitors free reign on innos if the traitors weren't identified already

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Edited by LargeAll
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  Saint Pablo said:
Honestly idk about this because what if the guy is proven? This could get you killed in a heartbeat... Still would be cool to spice up TTT a little.


Not all innocents track proven. And traitors could track proven too, and id only non-proven and boom, they're now "proven". But like I said, people would now stop trusting people killing "traitors" since the item will exist.


So, as people learn, the item will become useless and the end result would be a heavier reliance on detectives and more distrust among innos.


This would confuse new players more than they have already too, since if they already get gist of ttt they would just be confused about someone killing a "traitor" killing them or they could be completely new and get the mindset "don't trust ANYONE" after they learn that they, as innos, cannot find traitors effectly and can't really find people to trust.


Take in note that traitor testers are not in all maps.

Edited by LargeAll
I'm bad at grammar
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  LargeAll said:
Not all innocents track proven. And traitors could track proven too, and id only non-proven and boom, they're now "proven". But like I said, people would now stop trusting people killing "traitors" since the item will exist.


So, as people learn, the item will become useless and the end result would be a heavier reliance on detectives and more distrust among innos.


This would confuse new players more than they are already, since if they already get gist of ttt they would just be confused about someone killing a "traitor" killing them or they could be completely new and get the mindset "don't trust ANYONE" after they learn that they, as innos, cannot find traitors effectly and find people to trust.


OK, I see where you are coming from. But still a detective could possibly remeber who is proven. I would still like to see this in TTT :).

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  Saint Pablo said:
OK, I see where you are coming from. But still a detective could possibly remeber who is proven. I would still like to see this in TTT :).


So this would basicly buff detectives, but make the majority of innos weaker. And that note of "could possibly", so if you get a clueless/non-experienced detective, you're screwed. And if you are detective? Congrats! Now all innos rely on you to find traitors and if you die, everyone else is screwed. So if you decide to lay back in a round as a detective, you effect other innos much more than before.


And remember, traitors could still id non-proven.

Edited by LargeAll
Every time I'm done typing and reply I notice something wrong
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