SL4DE Posted May 20, 2017 Content Count: 1612 Joined: 05/09/15 Status: Offline Share Posted May 20, 2017 This is a simple plugin that replaces text chat if someone has a "certain word(s)" in their message. Example: I wish this filthy ______ would hurry up and give orders. TO I wish this filthy (replacement word) would hurry up and give orders. OR [[Please be respectful and refrain from using _____ on the server.]] OR It doesn't show the message at all. Link: You know what word I'm talking about. 1 Link to comment
Gator Posted May 20, 2017 Content Count: 2669 Joined: 03/29/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 20, 2017 I've always wondered why something like this has never been added. My issue with this is that it only solves half the problem. It seems kind of pointless since they can just avoid it using their mic. Link to comment
SL4DE Posted May 20, 2017 Content Count: 1612 Joined: 05/09/15 Status: Offline Share Posted May 20, 2017 Gator said: I've always wondered why something like this has never been added. My issue with this is that it only solves half the problem. It seems kind of pointless since they can just avoid it using their mic. Well, unless you can find a plugin that can censor voice chat, you may be right. I know I miss chat sometimes, I would rather have a polite reminder censor what they have to say instead of 3 people spamming "NO RACISM" in chat. Admins are going to do what they have to do anyways. This is probably one of the simplest plugins as well, being as it only checks incoming messages. There is little to no downside about it, other then the possible confliction with other plugins. You can customize the words, and you have three options to choose from to censor. I could be suggesting a warden plugin, but we know how that goes. Link to comment
Gator Posted May 20, 2017 Content Count: 2669 Joined: 03/29/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 20, 2017 SL4DE said: Well, unless you can find a plugin that can censor voice chat, you may be right. I know I miss chat sometimes, I would rather have a polite reminder censor what they have to say instead of 3 people spamming "NO RACISM" in chat. Admins are going to do what they have to do anyways. This is probably one of the simplest plugins as well, being as it only checks incoming messages. There is little to no downside about it, other then the possible confliction with other plugins. You can customize the words, and you have three options to choose from to censor. I'm curious how it could possibly impact performance on servers with a lot of text chat such as JB, or the dreadful ZE. You are right though, there is no visible downside, so I wouldn't be against giving it a chance. Quote I could be suggesting a warden plugin, but we know how that goes. I'm sure we're slowly working towards that. One thing at a time. Link to comment
FLuiD Posted May 20, 2017 Content Count: 1083 Joined: 12/23/15 Status: Offline Share Posted May 20, 2017 I would love this for dealing with racism when I miss chat. A lot of people type the n word into chat not initially knowing the rules on our servers and this could allow them to learn that rule without 8 people on the server screaming no racism at them lol Link to comment
All Ts Posted May 20, 2017 Content Count: 4441 Joined: 05/28/16 Status: Offline Share Posted May 20, 2017 You linked an AM archive with broken links (go here for the actual link). Dug through that thread and found a updated version as far as 2012 with a few additions that seem quite necessary, but if we end up not using this specific plugin I also found this. The only downside to doing this is people deliberately trying to get around the filter as a joke, being reported, then banned. I have a pretty big problem with the way the server's rules are set up in all honesty. On Prison Break the actual community rules aren't on the server and the more specific server ones are inside of that shitty little page list. Even if you manage to get to the last page, there is no command that links to the full page of rules (the one that actually mentions shit like racism, mic-spam.. etc). I think if it's possible we should be opening the server rules page for whatever server on-join, instead of the tiny list of rules. That way people aren't uninformed if they do decide to actually make the effort to read. Here's the general evolution of people banned for racism on SG. 1. Player types or says "nigga" or even worse The N word. 2. Brigade of children scream "No Racism!" "Woahhhh" and "DUDE YOU CANT SAY THAT" in unison in hopes at brownie points for admin instead of being chill & level headed about it. 3. Player either apologizes, or the players on the server have managed to aggro that person into feeling subjugated. 4. Player responds by saying it again, leaving, mass freekilling etc.. 5. Player gets banned. Having witnessed this myself, this is what occurs the majority of the time so a plugin like this could help in the server immensely when dealing with people who don't quite know the server rules & don't need a condescending reminder from our toddler police. Personally I think our racism rule is overblown to shit, if anything in my mind it is more trouble than it's worth, but if we intend to keep the rule & continue to be strict about it- adding supplemental plugins like this to supplement the rules is incredibly helpful. Link to comment
SL4DE Posted May 20, 2017 Content Count: 1612 Joined: 05/09/15 Status: Offline Share Posted May 20, 2017 I honestly just googled "Sourcemods Profanity" into google, and took the first result that looked decent. Figured someone would search for the best version. Just throw this in your config file, and you're good to go. "Punish" { "Deus Vult" { "chatpattern" "xd 'CASELESS'" "punish" "sm_ban %n 1.0 xd" "replace" "Ave Maria" } } All jokes aside, wouldn't hurt to try. All Ts said: Here's the general evolution of people banned for racism on SG. 1. Player types or says "nigga" or even worse The N word. 2. Brigade of children scream "No Racism!" "Woahhhh" and "DUDE YOU CANT SAY THAT" in unison in hopes at brownie points for admin instead of being chill & level headed about it. 3. Player either apologizes, or the players on the server have managed to aggro that person into feeling subjugated. 4. Player responds by saying it again, leaving, mass freekilling etc.. 5. Player gets banned. Also, this. ^ Link to comment
FLuiD Posted May 20, 2017 Content Count: 1083 Joined: 12/23/15 Status: Offline Share Posted May 20, 2017 All Ts said: Having witnessed this myself, this is what occurs the majority of the time so a plugin like this could help in the server immensely when dealing with people who don't quite know the server rules & don't need a condescending reminder from our toddler police. This is exactly what I was thinking. This would be very helpful for new players though I'm not necessarily in agreement that players just do it for brownie points (not all of them at least). Also, I definitely don't think it should just replace the word, but rather it should state something along the lines of what slade said, "Please be respectful and refrain from using _____ on the server." If you were to just replace it, players might not see the replacement or come to the realization that racism is against our rules Link to comment
frosty Posted May 21, 2017 Content Count: 3401 Joined: 07/25/11 Status: Offline Share Posted May 21, 2017 They took away URL's from names, They took away 'leave and ban' rules, Now they will take away racism, server admins are no longer needed! ... In all seriousness there isn't any harm in this and could be funny to replace racism words with something. 1 Link to comment
Lucid Posted May 21, 2017 Content Count: 2284 Joined: 09/27/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 21, 2017 Replace racist slurs with 'towel'. Link to comment
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