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With the latest public perm bans being issued we felt it is necessary to talk about why they were permed and why we have an issue with what had gone down.


First let's get a little back story out of the way, the 3 people we have permed over this situation were the center of a huge drama filled bitch fest where the board had to get involved because personal information was beginning to be put out there. This instance is what had created the no giving out personal information rule. Everyone involved was banned for longer than normal times with the warning to end this. A perm ban was brought up for discussion but was decided not to in hopes they learned a lesson.


Fast forward to today where we learned that it still has not ended and has escalated to where it is no longer acceptable. Each side created a steam group to further bully and divulge personal information. The steam groups in question have been reported to steam and hopefully they will not be around anymore.


However, we've noticed that several members and admins are in one of these groups. That deeply troubles us. All we can assume is you support this kind of behavior and maybe participated actively. This has us questioning your character and your standing in this community. While being a part of these groups can dive into a gray area as to what is allowed here at SG, if we find out that you are actively participating in these sorts of groups, you will be permed - regardless of rank. We encourage all of our admins / players to actually view the groups they are a part of, as it looks extremely unprofessional to be a part of these groups. As this gray area was previously mentioned - the Board of Directors still have the full privilege to demote, ban, and punish in any other way we see fit - and this goes to ALL users at SG.



We wholly condemn the events that have transpired and we will punish anyone who engages in any form of bullying or doxxing. That kind of activity has no place in this community and we will protect our members against this senseless bullshit drama.


On a side note, there are currently several trials going on throughout the country to finally make a stand against anyone who uses any form of social media to bully or tell people to kill themselves. I suspect once a precedent is set we will see more law enforcement agencies target people who engage in the activities we've seen from this steam group.

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Edited by Caution
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If you're an adult, act like one. If you have any problem with players who focus on your person and make you feel unwanted on our servers/ in our community, or even hold your personal information against you, just contact me through Steam or send a PM on the forums if you are afraid to tell a higher-up or don't have them on Steam. We'll find a good solution to the problem, we've seen enough of these situations to handle them in a correct way.


Been there done that, believe me.

The higher-ups are more than correct to remove these individuals from the community.

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Slap these babies on for free Spiked. Defamation, invasion of privacy etc


Penalties for doxing and swatting are often severe. Sentences can range from 18 months in prison and a $10,000 fine for a fourth-degree charge to ten years in prison and a $150,000 fine for a second-degree charge. One 15-year-old in Louisiana swatted a fellow gamer by calling 911 and claiming on the call that he—impersonating his target—had just “shot and killed four people,” according to National Report. Adding, “If any police enter my home I will kill them too.” The young suspect was sentenced to 25 years to life in federal prison.




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It's already illegal to publish one's private information on the internet without the person's consent.


It's all fun and games until someone gets sued and has to pay settlements.


In other words, until the people involved get some sort of punishment, be it a perm ban from a community they participate in actively, or financial loss, they're not going to stop. In their minds it's ok, remember, fun and games, right?

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