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My Observation

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Maybe just tell the admins not to be stupid.....!

Hasn't worked on you :wink:


Honestly that has been said and it has caused an arguement in the server. I mean thats almost like a CT telling a T to keep their distance and they keep coming closer to the guy with the gun.


To which I then shoot them. If they don't listen to me, I don't care. But I agree with the other guy up there, if they ban for 5 mins, their afk anyways. Hopefully they'll check the ban website or even just come back in time that the ban is over.

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Ill bet with u guys in like month or something the server will lose count of ppl its a new thing and everyone whants to play on it


It happened with a lot servers lately.....crackhouse, zombiehell for example

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All the arguments over game play in this server is really starting to piss me off!


I do my best to try and create/update servers to offer the best variety possible to this community and all I get out of this is a fucking head ache.


I cannot believe that the people we have approved for admin can't be adults and work things out calmly without being whiny bitches.


If this community is not mature enough to work this out without fighting, flaming, or arguing over vent then I will just remove the community from the server and host it as a unmanaged server with no reserved slots.

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I'd have to say the annoying part would be admins arguing when the server is full.


I haven't had a chance to try out the server, but all the comments about it being fun has me intrigued. And then I hear that like 3 people are arguing in the server and not playing right and it's kind of annoying that they don't just kick them or they leave, so other people who do wish to play correctly can join.


While I wouldn't say I advise kicking other admins/banning other admins so others can play. I would say that it'd better the server if an admin or anyone, be it reg, admin, supporter or random, would just get off the damn server if they aren't playing correctly.


From what I heard, Prison Break server revolves around people playing correctly and not arguing or being idiots, if it requires fair gameplay to succeed, then get the people who do not wish to play off the damn server. It's been full every single time I check it and there's almost always an admin arguing how another is playing.

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Just make a sticky saying the official rules for the server. If you violate the rules you will be subject to the normal procedure of punishment. If you have one set of rules and not everyone's own judgment, then it can be more fair and less prone to mistakes.

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