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Can we have more admins on? There has been times when 10 admins were on a single server and 0 admins when rule-breakers are on. Also, does the command !request even work? I've done it quite a few times in a game, and no admins has yet to respond.

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Were only doing a job as admins as volunteers. Forcing us to play at specific times, or on specific servers that we dislike, will almost instantly get rid of the majority of admins here.


Your best bet would be to either add some on Steam so you can contact us if need be, or to record gameplay and report on the forums :)

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Can we have more admins on? There has been times when 10 admins were on a single server and 0 admins when rule-breakers are on. Also, does the command !request even work? I've done it quite a few times in a game, and no admins has yet to respond.


The !request command is to request a song on !radio. So when you say !request admin, you are requesting a song named admin. Also, most of the time if you call an admin, they will respond and come on unless they are away or busy from their computers. As bdcoll said it is volunteer work, it's not a job, because we don't get paid. If you ever need an admin message me on steam and I'll be sure to come help out :amuse:

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I'm gonna post before you get overflowed with "admins are volunteers, fak u asshole!11!11 WE HAVE LIVES XD", there is basically no solution for us to get more active admins other than either..


1. Making receiving SA easier (which we already practically have).




2. Adding Incentive for admins (which if you have a reasonable idea I'm sure it'll get looked at). The incentive for administrating is supposed to be helping the server but as I've found out since I got back a lot of people just want the rank to swing their dick around which is pretty obnoxious.


I don't know if you already have me added but feel free to call me on when you get the chance and try to encourage some of our good, mature, active members to apply for admin. I think this problem is smallest where PB is concerned currently, which in perspective is pretty sad considering how few admins there is at times.

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Were only doing a job as admins as volunteers. Forcing us to play at specific times, or on specific servers that we dislike, will almost instantly get rid of the majority of admins here.


Your best bet would be to either add some on Steam so you can contact us if need be, or to record gameplay and report on the forums :)


I fully agree with bdcoll. When I was admin in GFL, I wasn't just there to be an admin, I was there to play. Admins also have shit to do in their everyday life, they cannot always fulfil what you want, whenever you want it. They are there to be on when they can, don't mistake that when understanding what being an admin is. Its not a job, its a volunteer.

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Just add admins to Steam and message them. Most are really good to help out when you ask.


Also reporting.

The CA/Ao's unlike SA's dont actually have a life to live.

So they mostly get complaints looked at quickly.

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Were only doing a job as admins as volunteers. Forcing us to play at specific times, or on specific servers that we dislike, will almost instantly get rid of the majority of admins here.


Your best bet would be to either add some on Steam so you can contact us if need be, or to record gameplay and report on the forums :)



My self, I work 10 hours a day 5 days a week. When I get home after work (and only have 2 hours before I have to go to bed) I don't want to play CS:GO. I watch a few YouTube videos and passout. Currently on the weekends, I am working on my cars getting ready for winter and a furcon in 2 weeks (yep....). Once winter hits in a few weeks I will be becoming more active. Sadly, I am an adult and have this thing called a life, and CS:GO can't be my worry 24/7.

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Just like everyone is saying. Just add them on steam so you can contact them, you can ask for help in the shoutbox, or just simply make a player complaint. It's very easy

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