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Best and Worst Gaming Community

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I would like to see what everyone's personal experience is with other games and their communities. For me:


The game with the best community I've found is Lord of the Rings Online. They're the friendliest most helpful community you will ever find.


The worst is either League of Legends or Call of Duty. I'm sure most of you have had bad experiences in these games lol.



What's yours?

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The best and worst is the same.



Old School Runescape has the best and yet the worst of communities.


It can get together to fight for common goals. For instance, the micro transaction wave that hit RS3 was frowned upon the entire community. Everyone fought against it and denounced it. However, on another side, the community is a big ball of "weaponized autism" (circa 1st april 2016 - /r/place). It's perfectly split into PvMers vs PKers, in an endless meme war on the subreddit (/r/2007scape). The community as a whole can decide to go full retard onto anything, doing 180s between liking something and hating it, to puting on tinfoil hats and bashing devs for being "corrupted". To summarize, the community can be described in a single word: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


Examples of meme war: https://imgur.com/a/x0Zcc

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League of Legends community was absolute trash. Never have I seen a game turn people into animals more than that game does. People complain about CS:GO but in complete honesty that game is full of the most vile, asshurt, rage-induced man children. League of Legends is also full of a fuck ton of scripters and besides competitive there is barely any community feel in/around the game.


On a side note. It blows my mind how a game like LoL that requires perfect micromanagement to win still has no voice chat. I think Riots poor development/balancing of the game is what really makes it so rage inducing to people. There is currently 138 champions and how anyone thought that balancing that many values and increasing the learning curve was a good idea also blows my fucking mind.

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My best experience has been Starcraft 2. Not only in game and the fantastic people I've met but generally the way in which the pro scene used to be and the personalities that surrounded the game really was a fantastic experience for me.


My worst is between CS:GO (though it seems I have worse experiences with certain regions more consistently. These being for me most predominantly people from the UK, then Russians and Americans.) and Tribal Wars.



Back before Tribal Wars was pay to win, I played the shit out of it. It's the kinda game where if you get further into the game everyone takes it like their life depends on it. You have clans with forums that work like this community, but people take the game like it's their life and further on you'll end up having to either have two people form different timezones on one account or literally be awake 24/7. In one world I ended up having to control 40 villages and I was basically no longer sleeping. I couldn't physically keep up anymore and decided enough was enough. I talked to the leader of this 'tribe' on Skype like I had previously, but this time because I told him I had decided to not continue I received death threats from himself and many others. Obviously that didn't really bother me too much, but it was certainly an interesting experience :thinking: I'd say I've met some of the best and the worst of people in that game.



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Tribal Wars, omfg, so horrible XD



Best community I've hever had the privilige of being part of cannot simply be 1, but it has to be 2, in no real order of best to worst;

1. Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast

- Back in the day, boy, this community was amazing. Always people around to help newer people, lots and lots of experienced people with "honorable" fights everywhere.

The modding community was active AF so lots of custom content for the game as well, which only made the community bigger and better.


2. Ragnarok Online

- Also back in the day, no longer valid unfortunately ;-;

God, I remember spending my entire summer vacations logged into the DarkRO private server, not even actively leveling/farming/grinding, but just sitting in town (yes, literally sitting ^.^) and just fucking talking to people.

Going in parties and with guilds to farm rare drops, kill mvps and do harder instances etc. It was an amazing time



worst community has got to be CS:GO for me.

I can't remember the last ranked game I wasn't the only non-russian being assumable scolded in russian for simply not being russian.

I don't even know what it's like anymore to have actual communication nor do I know what it's like anymore to not have to mute ALL your teammates from the first minute of warmup.



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Final Fantasy XIV: AAR & PSO2

By far the best and greatest of online communities.

On both you have plenty of Groups who help out new players, they welcome veterans and are always willing to do things.

Never seen a toxic group in XIV or PSO2 ever.

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I've only ever run into awesome people in Insurgency. It's the only game where I can say that I haven't had to deal with toxic players. I think it helps that it's such a small community to begin with.


Most toxic has to either be League of Legends or Gmod. I love both of them but you can't play a game/join a server without running into some toxic fuck. I would rank LoL far above Gmod though. League is on a whole different level with the amount of toxicity.

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Hands down, agreeing with @sean with this one, Lord of the Rings Online is easily the most mature, respectful, and helpful community that exists. Though I haven’t played in a long time, any other game I have played has been able to match how amazing the LOTRO community is. The odds of you finding a negative toxic soul on that game are slim to none.


Other than that, any MOBA ever, CS:GO, and Overwatch have really fucking toxic communities.

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