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Hey there everyone, I decided try to go back to living a more healthy lifestyle after a while of being unfit.

As of right now, I've cut (most) sugary and junk foods out of my diet, and I've been drinking kale smoothies for breakfast and sometimes lunch. I really only ate lean meat to begin with, but I mostly just make something with eggs, chicken, and turkey and whatever veggies for dinner. I've always drank mostly water, so I'm not going to have to worry about drinking pop or anything.

As for exercise, I'm doing online Zumba classes 3-4 times a week for about 30 mins per class. I'm also doing crunches/lunges at home when I can but not really anything intensive. I plan on joining a gym sometime early January. I normally do cardio when I'm working out, so I'm open to different exercises.

I think the hardest part right now is finding foods that are healthy that I like because I'm extremely picky. Any workout or food/recipe suggestions are greatly appreciated; I know I could just google whatever but I'd like to see what works for other people so I can find something that will stick.

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Depends what you want, honestly.


I've seen a fair share of diets, tricks, research and nutritionists/dietitians recommending stuff and all, it really depends on what you are willing to do/what do you want.


If you want to lose weight, I recommend a ketogenic diet. It's a tough diet, but if you're picky it might help. It's essentialy a diet where you cut all the carbs intake and switch to a fat based diet. It switches your body around and makes you lose weight at an unreal pace. It is quite the change though, visit /r/keto and /r/ketorecipes and check it out. Bonus is, you don't need to do that much sport. In fact, you could do no sport at all, although sports is always better.


If you want to lose some fat tissues and be generally more "cut" (lower BMI), cut most of the carbs, cut the fast food, drink lots of water and exercise, just like you're doing. You won't see much difference on the scale, since you're gaining muscular weight (muscles are also WAY heavier than fat tissues), but you'll probably see long-term results and blood/general tests at the doctor's will tell you you're doing progress.


For pure muscle gains, I can't really help you. I never inspired to look cut and dangerous. I see lots of friends on shitty creatine preworkouts, even then, I don't know much about those.


You'd find changing your lifestyle way simpler if you started liking lots of food. If you like everything, you won't see it as much of a challenge as it is. Try new things and don't be scared!


I hope you're making this post for the good! It's tough to make big changed like that, but it is so rewarding! Keep going! Food is the most important in a "diet", you can miss a few trainings, but try to focus on the food for the first month, as hard as it can get, your hunger and sweet tooth will fade with time and it'll be a piece of cake to keep going.


Good luck! You made the right choice!


Edit: I don't know you personally, how are your habits, your body, etc. It's always better to consult a professionnal, especially if you have some kind of condition/ etc.

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Just trial and error see things that u like then try to put it into ur palet if you don’t like it then don’t add it.

And if u like sugar stuff and u like to snack a lot then fruits and fruit bars are gonna be ur best friend but try to move towards more fruits then fruit bars


Running and swimming is probably the best ways to lose weight or even biking if u don’t like the two it’s just all about consistency how much effort u put in each time you exercise

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Depends what you want, honestly.


I've seen a fair share of diets, tricks, research and nutritionists/dietitians recommending stuff and all, it really depends on what you are willing to do/what do you want.


If you want to lose weight, I recommend a ketogenic diet. It's a tough diet, but if you're picky it might help. It's essentialy a diet where you cut all the carbs intake and switch to a fat based diet. It switches your body around and makes you lose weight at an unreal pace. It is quite the change though, visit /r/keto and /r/ketorecipes and check it out. Bonus is, you don't need to do that much sport. In fact, you could do no sport at all, although sports is always better.


If you want to lose some fat tissues and be generally more "cut" (lower BMI), cut most of the carbs, cut the fast food, drink lots of water and exercise, just like you're doing. You won't see much difference on the scale, since you're gaining muscular weight (muscles are also WAY heavier than fat tissues), but you'll probably see long-term results and blood/general tests at the doctor's will tell you you're doing progress.


For pure muscle gains, I can't really help you. I never inspired to look cut and dangerous. I see lots of friends on shitty creatine preworkouts, even then, I don't know much about those.


You'd find changing your lifestyle way simpler if you started liking lots of food. If you like everything, you won't see it as much of a challenge as it is. Try new things and don't be scared!



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First and foremost: I am not a nutritionist or a personal trainer. I studied in the culinary field (turned down a scholarship to join the Marine Corps), which obviously included some basic nutrition classes, the military stresses pretty hard on nutrition (some of which is great and some of it is bullshit), and I currently consider myself to be in pretty decent shape. I've thought about getting a personal trainer license but it's pretty expensive and I don't really want to make a career out of it, so I have a hard time convincing myself to actually do it. Anyways, just wanted to get that out first before I respond to some of these things. Some of it is opinion, whereas some of it is fact (I'll differentiate between the two).



As of right now, I've cut (most) sugary and junk foods out of my diet, and I've been drinking kale smoothies for breakfast and sometimes lunch.


Cutting out sugary foods is a great start, and usually the first one I recommend to people. Be careful on what you put in smoothies - fruit still has sugar, and an excess of sugar is still not the best thing for you.


I really only ate lean meat to begin with, but I mostly just make something with eggs, chicken, and turkey and whatever veggies for dinner.


I've always drank mostly water


You should definitely be careful with the meats you're eating (heh). If you're buying store meats you should definitely check the sodium intake. High sodium + high water = water retention = you going 'why the fuck am i not losing weight', when you're losing fat, but it doesn't look like it on the scale due to water retention. Just be careful with that.


but not really anything intensive.


You should try it out sometime when you get a bit more comfortable with being back into a fitness lifestyle. HIIT training has some amazing benefits and results, in my opinion.


I plan on joining a gym sometime early January.


Lol I wouldn't recommend that due to the 'new years resolution' influx of people. If crowds don't bother you though or if you have a relatively low population around you then it doesn't really matter. I don't go to gyms usually though in January / February.


Any workout or food/recipe suggestions are greatly appreciated; I know I could just google whatever but I'd like to see what works for other people so I can find something that will stick.


I sous vide a fuckton of chicken at once in like...salsa, balsamic vinegarette, low fat italian dressing, etc. Do something that tastes good and still makes you want to eat it. Sweet potatoes are also extremely healthy for you.


All in all, gradually get into the mix. Don't overwhelm yourself with 'I'm gonna do this, that, these, those, some of this...' etc all on day one. You're going to get overwhelmed and probably say 'fuck this' - not because it's you, but because (in my opinion), people usually respond better to gradual integration vs. jumping straight into it. I obviously don't know what your weight is, your fat ratio, your endurance, etc., so you'll have to do these integrations at your own pace. Even I don't jump straight into a ton of new things, I gradually change. I look at it the same way with increasing my weight-lifting...at the end of the day, I'm trying to help myself. I'm doing myself no favors by overwhelming my body with something I can't do or something that makes me miserable.





Uh...dude...I don't mean to be a dick here...but I would not recommend doing pretty much anything in your entire post.


it really depends on what you are willing to do/what do you want.


Yeah, agreed.


If you want to lose weight, I recommend a ketogenic diet. It's a tough diet, but if you're picky it might help. It's essentialy a diet where you cut all the carbs intake and switch to a fat based diet. It switches your body around and makes you lose weight at an unreal pace. It is quite the change though, visit /r/keto and /r/ketorecipes and check it out. Bonus is, you don't need to do that much sport. In fact, you could do no sport at all, although sports is always better.


I have not personally done the keto diet, so I cannot comment on it personally. I do not know if the science behind it is proven or not. I can't comment on this at all other than I've thought about doing it to trying it out, but meh, it's not really what I'm going for.


If you want to lose some fat tissues and be generally more "cut" (lower BMI),


BMI says that I'm 25% body fat. Don't know if you guys have seen my picture around the place, but I am absolutely not at 25% body fat. That's absolutely absurd. BMI is an incredibly inaccurate measurement, where basically if you have a small neck, you're automatically fat


cut most of the carbs, drink lots of water and exercise, just like you're doing.


I would not recommend doing that at all. Complex carbs are amazing for you if you are exercising - they provide you with long term energy vs. the short term boost of sugar. Sweet potatoes are one of (if not the most) the healthiest type of carb you can have. Yes, extra carbs turn into fat, but if you are eating a healthy amount, they are absolutely essential. I'm not saying you can't live a 'carb free' life, but I wouldn't personally recommend it.



muscles are also WAY heavier than fat tissues


This is absolutely, 100%, completely false. A pound of feathers weighs the exact same as a pound of bricks. What takes up more room on a scale? Feathers. Same concept as fat vs. muscle. Fat takes up more room than muscle, but weight is weight is weight is weight.


shitty creatine preworkouts





You'd find changing your lifestyle way simpler if you started liking lots of food.

You can't force yourself to like food you don't like lmao. If you don't like stuffing, you don't like stuffing.


I get you're trying to be helpful...but I would advise against pretty much everything you just posted lol. That 'muscle weighing more than fat' thing is incredibly false though, scientifically backed.





my exact thoughts

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I wanted to come back on my statement about muscle vs fat.


I know a pound of muscle vs a pound of fat is the same, I guess I fucked translation I meant to talk about density, as in: if you lose 5 pounds of fat and gain 5 pounds of muscle, you'll look slimmer but the scale won't say so.


BMI is inaccurate, to a point. I don't use BMI myself but that was just how I prefered to say fat%.


I don't want anyone to force themselves to like food, but a diet is all about being open minded. They're a complete rebalance of what you're eating and doing. If you're picky, you might be a little overwhelmed. I found it easier discovering alternatives myself, simply because I liked everything.


For the preworkouts, I get mad easily with those as they almost killed a friend of mine. Just don't abuse and I guess you'll be fine.


I just typed whatever had worked for me in the past. Of course we're all different and shit, cause my brother never had the same problems I had, and vice-versa. Just don't give up.

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Thank you for taking the time to write all of this!!

I'm trying not to overwhelm myself because I know that if i delve into everything too quickly that I'm going to lose motivation. I'm not too concerned with my weight in general just because it normally stays it the same place; just more concerned with burning fat, gaining some muscle and being more fit and healthy in general.

Ill have to look into the hiit training, I'm going to try some different exercises and see what benefits me the most vs what I'm going to enjoy doing. Its hit or miss with some exercises bc i have asthma, so some workouts are incredibly painful compared to others

Im only joining next month because i don't want to pay forty dollars twice, lol. They'll charge me another membership fee if I join prior to January. I don't mind crowded gyms, I don't really mind people unless there just isn't any room

Also I LOVE SWEET POTATOES OK. Is there any way you would recommend preparing them or should buying normal ones from the grocery store and baking them would be okay?

Ill look into the sous vide stuff; not sure if i would be able to afford the fancy machine lol, but from what I'm looked at I may be able to do it with my crockpot. Its worth a shot.

I think the most difficult part is just trying to monitor my sugar/sodium intake, but I think ive been doing okay so far


Also thank you everyone for all of the suggestions so far

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I'm not too concerned with my weight in general just because it normally stays it the same place; just more concerned with burning fat, gaining some muscle and being more fit and healthy in general.

Ill have to look into the hiit training,


Look into Insanity Max 30. You follow what the dude does on your screen and if you get super tired you can follow the modified version of the nice lady on the right. If your asthma gives you trouble doing that then you can drop out or try another program. If you have an Amazon firestick you can do that shit in your living room (Beachbody app). I would stay away from any preworkout if your use for it is going to be cardio (personally), not only is it super-expensive but having my heart-rate spiked through the roof with all that shit makes me feel cracked out.


Don't be so locked in on losing weight that you adapt an unhealthy lifestyle to lose it, stay with the mindset that it's about being more healthy. Track your calories/macros either on some dumb phone app or (my preferred method) mentally, I find that mentally not only does this help you keep your goal, but you start getting a little more insight into what you should/shouldn't eat because you know what you're eating/how it effects you. Eventually you get on a little rotating routine that you don't even think about. Something important is that tracking every little thing isn't bullet proof, everyone is different but you can adjust as time goes on.


There is other small things such as sleep, staying hydrated, keeping stress low- all of which I personally believe is paramount to staying on a diet & routine.

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Usually, whenever I'm trying to lose or maintain weight, I try to work it into my schedule. As in, I try to kill two birds with one stone.


I try to bike my way to work whenever I can. Extremely helpful when I get lazy and miss the bus. The good thing about downtown Charlotte here is that there are these bike stations scattered around just for the public's convenience. However, I would rather take my bike out since it doesn't really cost me anything.



I've also tried changing up what I eat. Instead of always eating out, I'm trying to make my own food and buying fresh fruit to take and eat. I'm gonna see if I can learn how to actually cook so I can make better meals. Working so far. Knowing myself, I'm probably gonna break this habit so I'm gonna reinforce it as much as I can.



Another thing I always take into account is attitude. Can't really do anything if I'm always angry as shit and ready to tear someone a new one. A habit I'm trying to make is to say "Today is gonna be a good day." Sounds cheesy, I know, but attitude is usually what helps people achieve what they want to achieve.



This is what I usually do, just to be clear. Your situation might be different, so I really encourage you to go and try out different things and choose what fits you best. Just don't go overboard and do something that you might regret. If it seems sketchy to you, then don't do it.

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