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Some Of My Thoughts.

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Yeah, I'm not going to mention any names because it's probably going to lead to me getting baused in the server, but some of the admins need to learn to calm down. Some of them are firing for the most un reasonable reasons such as "OH YOU WERE WALKING TOWARDS ME" when you're probably walking by trying to knife some other dumbass. Another thing sometimes we cant fucking here you giving orders to us aobut not going here crossing this and such because you got 2 billion other pre pubescent kids yelling at the mic. Also one damn last thing the Guards/CTS shouldn't be allowed to play gay games with us such as simon says with the whole fucking team if you want to play gay games at least do it with the last 4-2 because if you're playing simon says with all the Prisoners jsut fucking execute us theres no point, you're ruining the game and being childish, you also shouldn't be allowed to make the prisoners comit suicide like in that map with the electrical chair you can't make us line up and hop in the chair to comit suicide that ruins the whole point of JAIL BREAK.


So to sum it up to all of you you are to damn lazy to read that, what I;m saying is Guards SHOULDN'T be allowed to tell us to do ridiculous orders such as jump up and down, make us play stupid games such as Simon Says with the WHOLE TEAM at least with 4-2 people and forcing us to basically comit suicde by either sitting in the damn chair on that jail break map with the electrical chair

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following what envy said, i think that shooting the last person to follow simon says is not really a good enough reason to kill the ts, especially doing it for about 2 maps straight (No names mentioned). and telling all ts to go to the center of the room and killing all of them just because ONE freaking prisoner moved.

Edited by Ganzta
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Another thing sometimes we cant fucking here you giving orders to us aobut not going here crossing this and such because you got 2 billion other pre pubescent kids yelling at the mic.




so true.

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Guest barackobama

Ummmmmmmm, don't worry..


Just remember not to EMO out, because that causes troubles..


Tell them nicely that you got killed my accident.

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Maybe we should just mute Ts that way there's no excuse.


I see that as more causing more problems than its worth. T's need atleast some way to communicate and get some sort of a strategey.

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Oh and one more thing to add, restrict all nades or at least the HE Grenade because retards get to tempted to throw nades at us when were all in one big group.

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