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Freekill Gui

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Many Ts get freekilled and do not know how to call an admin, this is why, when a T gets killed a Gui would appear and say "Was this a freekill". If the T clicks on No, it would simply close the Gui but if he clicks Yes, then the CT who killed the T would have a Gui that says "Did you freekill [NAME] ?". If the CT clicks Yes, then it would automaticly slays him, but if he clicks No, then the T would get a message that says "[NAME] thinks that he did not freekill you". If the T thinks that he was really freekilled, then he could simply call an admin or record a demo.

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Doesn't that kind of contradict what you said previously. If a T does not know how to call admin then why would they know how to after they went through the gui. Also this is just based off of a trust system, if a ct is willing to slay then he would already do it. Adding a system like this is kind of pointless, it would just cause a gui to pop up on your screen. In most cases the ct would just say no, they did not freekill. It would just put the T back where he started.

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This seems good on paper(or screen in this case), but the truth is I doubt that CTs who do freekill will suddenly have a change of heart with a pop-up; it's an unnecessary extra step that will turn out to be inutile. As much as you hate to hear it, the method of confronting/ using calladmin is a better method currently; the problem isn't you guys, it's us admins who regulate JB.

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This seems good on paper(or screen in this case), but the truth is I doubt that CTs who do freekill will suddenly have a change of heart with a pop-up; it's an unnecessary extra step that will turn out to be inutile. As much as you hate to hear it, the method of confronting/ using calladmin is a better method currently; the problem isn't you guys, it's us admins who regulate JB.


Agree with Moonlight.


If someone purposely breaking rules is freekilling, I would doubt that he/she would slay... you would need an admin to deal with this.

However, if someone who knows the rules accidentally freekilled, they would most likely slay on their own if you just ask them "Why did you kill me?"

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I actually really like this idea...

Unfortunately, DML is right, it only works on paper. Free killing, whether people accept it or not, is a part of JB and it always will be. Just because there is no admin on doesn’t mean it can’t be handled smoothly. Instead of yelling that you were free killed or immediately using !calladmin, try asking the person who killed you, “Why did you kill me?” Maybe it was a misunderstanding, they had a good reason or did not understand a rule.


People don’t like to be yelled at, it won’t help anything by just slamming the person for one free kill and it definitely wont get them to slay or admit their mistake.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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For slaying because it's not mandatory, the honor system works just fine. Maybe have a note pop up reminding you how to record demos, use call admin and have the rules so you can see if it was a free kill.


Often times if the freekill is accidental, they'll slay or apologize, for other cases, the CT just isn't going to care because they only joined to cause trouble.

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