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Add this map to the server?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Add this map to the server?

ttt_aircraft_2017 request

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Map Suggestion

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I found this map looking for new maps for TTT, it looks like a good map in my opinion and I think it would be a good addition to the server.

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Just a note, the map is lacking 3 spawns for if the server were to fill up. It has 26 T spawns and 3 CT spawns according to the notes. Not sure if the AOs want to reject it because of it or if someone can add the spawns, just putting it out there.

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  Dominic said:
Just a note, the map is lacking 3 spawns for if the server were to fill up. It has 26 T spawns and 3 CT spawns according to the notes. Not sure if the AOs want to reject it because of it or if someone can add the spawns, just putting it out there.

This won't be an issue, we can add spawns easily.




Does anyone have any opinions on this map though?

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Gonna add my opinion on this... honestly this map just looks like a run down version of sinking ship, but in the air. We have much better maps in the rotation already that rarely get played. Aside from the crappy looks of the map, the rooms and such resemble that of @Bdcoll 's map and I feel like this one wouldn't be picked over that. The only key differences I see in the two maps are: 1. the front of the ship is the big area 2. there's a helicopter on top that you can fly, and 3. There's some traitor traps


My opinion is that it shouldn't be added. Don't feel as though it will be very well liked throughout the player base. If anyone else has an opinion please share, not many replies for this map

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Just downloaded and the map and decided to look around a bit as the pictures don't do justice. Similar to what @Montag said, a lot of the rooms have the same feel as BDcolls map sinking ship. However, I think the map has just enough spacious and smaller junctures that is necessary for a TTT map. There are vantage points that look over the front of the ship and enough smaller rooms for T's to get away with what they do best. The lack of surrounding details is definitely apparent as it's just a floating ship with no real sophisticated background except a blue sky. The inner workings of the ship however are much more detailed and seem to have logical reasoning behind where certain things are placed. This map definitely needs more finesse and creativity when it comes to the general look of the map however, I do think its worth trying out. I think this map checks off in what I see is important on a TTT map ,but just lacks in general look.

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