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No revealing admins

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I think there should be a rule so you cant reveal an undercover admin. When an admin comes on to help without being spotted and someone blows his cover it can be very problematic. As of right now there isnt a rule set that allow admins to enforce this. What do you think?

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If an admin's presence keeps people from breaking the rules, I see that as a good thing. The only reason they'd generally have a need to go undercover is if someone is repeatedly breaking the rules and you're too lazy to record a demo O.o

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TBH i do agree with this. Their are times i want to go on the server and just play. Being an admin you attract a form of attention that isn't on other players. On TTT, you are watched more closely, on JB you are watched more as well, detracting from play experience.


More importantly though, their are times when i'll be called ingame to watch someone. It might be a RDMer, a hacker, or someone being abusive to other players, but when players on the server actively make it a point to go "Oh look, its Bdcoll, an admin" it stops that working completely! For example, where this post stems from is me joining the server today as people were bullying Abomination. As soon as i get ingame, some players ingame made it their mission to let people know i was in, resulting in the players i was watching either leaving, or altering their behaviour!


Maybe a rule is the way to go, maybe a plugin to hide admin identities when they join without their normal names (I.e karma to 1000, remove all store items etc.)

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Is the plugin where you hide yourself from scoreboard still available to admins? I know it only works in spec, but if you're watching players, I don't see a reason not to be in spec.


Edit: to clarify more on this, if you want to go undercover, I'd recommend trying to hide it better. Not picking on him, but @Takito's outfit on TTT is pretty iconic so it's hard not to know it's him.

Edited by Gentoo
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it shouldn't be a rule because its common sense not to call out undercover admins for most regs. If your a reg and u see an admin going undercover and you call that person out then its your loss. Rule breakers will know admins are on and will stop what their doing.

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  Ned Flanders Diddly said:
it shouldn't be a rule because its common sense not to call out undercover admins for most regs. If your a reg and u see an admin going undercover and you call that person out then its your loss. Rule breakers will know admins are on and will stop what their doing.


You really think trolls and kiddies will not call an admin out because of "common sense"?

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First of all YAAASS

This obviously doesn't apply when I'm just under a different name and I'm not trying to hide my presence; it doesn't really matter and I don't care if someone calls me out in this case

The main thing is that when I'm actually undercover (diff name, diff picture, diff skin, etc) I'm trying to watch someone who's going to change his behavior when i come on and immediately goes back to breaking the rules when I leave. I'm probably spectating in cases like this but when I'm playing and trying to watch them and someone screams "ITS CHARLIE! OMG!!1" or they say something along the lines of "there's TOTALLY not an admin on right now :)" it just makes it more difficult to do.

Im all for a rule to be added or some sort of plugin to help admins be more stealthy. There's just a really big lack of common sense sometimes

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